Chapter 49- The Jedi Who Knew Too Much

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Adams stares solemnly at the bodies laid out before him. He is currently attending the funeral for the Jedi who were killed in the bombing. Colonel Hall had been recalled to Terra due to a family emergency, and Adams had taken his place at the Temple.

The funeral had a few additions inspired by Terran military funeral customs. Each body was draped in a flag of the Republic. A seven man firing team armed with rifles loaded with blanks is standing by for a 21 gun salute, and a bugler was also in the room.

The entire Jedi Order present at the Temple had come to the funeral. A few dignitaries had come as well, including Palpatine, Mas Amedda, Admiral Tarkin, and the American General Dennis Reimer, the Terran field commander on Coruscant.

Yoda walks slowly besides the bodies. "One with the Force, they are. And our job it is to remember that we will, in time, also pass on. Luminous beings are we, but temporary vessels, our bodies are. A moment of silence, I ask, to remember and to move on."

Near Adams, Ahsoka turns to Barriss beside her. "You were close to one of them?" she asks.

"Tutso Mara. We trained together. He taught me how to hold my lightsaber correctly," Barriss says.

"Live for the living Jedi, we must. Live through us, forever they will," Yoda says. He then taps his walking stick on the ground.

"Squad, ready!" the American officer commanding the firing team orders. The seven men aim their rifles towards the ceiling.

"Fire!" the commander says. The seven men fire, then reload.

"Fire!" The seven men fire again.

"Fire!" The seven men fire for the third time. They then shift their grips on their rifles, bring them down to the "Present Arms" position.

Yoda taps his staff again, and the bodies sink into the floor. As they do, the American bugler raises his instrument to his lips and begins to play Taps. A number of Jedi feels their eyes water at the feeling the song brings to them as the floor closes over the bodies.

Once the bugler finishes, he lowers his instrument, and the commander of the detail salutes the fallen Jedi one last time. With that, the funeral comes to an end, and the guests begin to file out of the room.

Adams walks with Anakin, Ahsoka, Barriss, and Tarkin down the hall away from the chamber. As they walk, Ahsoka asks, "So, what happens to Letta now?"

"The bomber has been moved," Tarkin responds.

"Moved? Where? Why should she be moved?" Ahsoka asks.

"The Republic military has taken her into custody," Tarkin responds.

"But why? This is a Jedi matter, isn't it?" Ahsoka asks.

"Clones were killed, which makes this terrorist attack a military matter. An attack on the Jedi is an attack on the Senate," Tarkin responds.

"The Admiral is right, Ahsoka. Letta's not a Jedi. In any case, I think she has even less chance of escaping if she's in military custody. She'll still get a fair trial, and if and when she is found guilty, her punishment will be just, whether or not the Jedi or the Republic courts conduct the trial," Adams says to Ahsoka. This seems to appease her.

Admiral Tarkin walks towards the lift. "The Chancellor believes that the Jedi be removed from as many military matters as possible. You yourselves said that you're peacekeepers, not soldiers," Tarkin says.

Adams tries to keep his eyes from narrowing. Yet again, an action from the Chancellor makes him a little suspicious. He's not the only one. Many high level officials in the Terran Alliance also share a suspicion of the Chancellor.

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