Chapter 21- The Terran Accords

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Chapter 21- The Terran Accords

(January 18, 1992)

As a slight breeze blows through New York City, a Black Hawk helicopter stops over the lawn of the United Nations building, then slowly lowers to the ground. Once the doors open, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi Wan, Mace, Yoda, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Senator Organa exit the helicopter and make their way to the General Assembly Building.

"We'd better hurry. The vote is expected to begin soon," Senator Organa says.

"Yes. We don't want to miss that," Obi Wan says.

The group makes their way into the General Assembly Hall, where the delegates from the various nations have all gathered in preparation for the vote. The Republic delegation makes their way to their assigned seats and sits down, waiting for the meeting to begin. Many world leaders have gathered for this assembly.

About ten minutes after their arrival, the UN Secretary General comes to the podium and says, "Members of the United Nations, please welcome to the podium President George Bush of the United States of America."

There is a round of applause as President Bush stands up and makes his way to the stand. He looks out over the assembly and says, "Fellow members of the United Nations, I come before you at this time to present for your final evaluation and ratification: the Terran Accords."

"At this time, we are in recovery from the invasion by the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Thanks to the aid of our new friends from the Galactic Republic, we have survived this invasion. However, the war is not yet over."

"We owe an incredible debt of gratitude to our friends in the Republic for their aid in the defense of our planet. The Jedi and clones who came to our planet were willing to risk their lives to help us. I think it is only fair that we offer to do the same in return."

"For that reason, I propose the ratification of the Terran Accords. The said Accords will, if ratified, accomplish the following:"

"1- Formally establish a military alliance, open to further membership of Earth's nations and other inhabited planets of the Milky Way which may be found through exploration of the Milky Way, known as the Terran Alliance."

"2- Issue a formal declaration of war between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Terran Alliance."

"3- Issue a promise of materiel support for the Republic for the duration of the Clone Wars."

"4- Make provisions for the deployment of Terran Alliance forces to the Andromeda Galaxy to aid the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems."

"5- Formally establish the Terran Jedi Order , to serve a similar purpose as the Jedi Order of the Andromeda Galaxy, which will be trained by said Jedi."

"6- Announce the formal creation of the Terran Starfleet, charged with protection of Terra and projection of Terran power beyond our own solar system."

"7- Establish trade agreements with the Galactic Republic."

"8- Establish a joint global military command to command Terran Alliance forces."

President Bush pauses for a few moments, then continues, "Fellow members of the United Nations, these Accords will help ensure our future survival in the intergalactic playing field we are now on. By cooperation with the Republic, and assisting them in achieving victory in the Clone Wars, our world will prosper greater than ever, and we will be able to protect ourselves from future attacks by extraterrestrial civilizations."

The UN Secretary General steps up to the podium. "Members of the United Nations, I submit the Terran Accords to your ratifying vote."

The Republic delegation watches as the vote is conducted. To their surprise, only 30 nations vote No. Every other member of the UN votes in favor of the ratification of the Terran Accords.

After the vote is conducted, the Secretary General speaks again and says, "The votes have been noted, and are greatly in favor of ratification. Therefore, I hereby declare the Terran Accords as ratified, and that a state of war now formally exists between the Terran Alliance and Confederacy of Independent Systems."

There is a short round of applause. Then, the Secretary General says, "I would now like to invite Senator Bail Organa of the Republic Senate to come to the podium to speak."

There is another round of applause as Bail walks to the stand. Once he gets there, he taps the microphone, then says, "Leaders and delegates of the United Nations, I am Bail organa of the Republic Senate. On behalf of the Republic, I wish to express my pleasure at the ratification of the Terran Accords."

"I bring with me the pleasure of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine that your planet has escaped the invasion, and his thanks of your promise of help to the Republic in this time of war. I have been instructed to deliver the promise of the Republic to continue to protect your planet. Eight warships of our fleet currently stationed above your planet will be left behind as a gift to use to begin building up your Starfleet. The two Separatist battleships captured in their retreat will also be left for you to use to build up your fleet. I have also been told by the Jedi High Council to inform you that two Jedi will be permanently stationed on your planet until the Terran Jedi Order has been trained."

"While our alliance was forged through the shedding of blood of our armies and your people, that only makes it stronger. I and the rest of the Republic look forward to many years of alliance between the Republic and the people of Earth."

Another round of applause echoes through the hall at the end of Bail's speech. Bail bows his head to the assembly before returning to his seat.

The Secretary General retakes the podium. "Members of the United Nations, I hereby declare this meeting ended."

There is another round of applause, and then the crowd begins to disperse.

The Republic delegation exits the Assembly Hall and meet President Bush outside the hall.

"Well. I must say that went better than I expected," President Bush says.

"Indeed, Mr. President," Mace says.

"So, what's the next step?" Ahsoka asks.

President Bush grins slightly. "We get ready for war," he says.

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