Chapter 9- The Attack Begins

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Chapter 9- The Attack Begins

(Pentagon, January 9, 1992)

"Your forces have continuously reported on the progress of the Separatist fleet. Apparently, several more ships have appeared, bringing the fleet total to 64. They passed Mars not long ago. We estimate they'll reach Earth in about 3 hours," General Sullivan says.

Anakin nods grimly. He, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Mace, Yoda, Rex, and Cody are in a command room deep in the Pentagon with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

"What's our readiness?" Anakin asks.

"All US forces are at DEFCON 1. Our fleet has sortied, our pilots are sitting in their cockpits ready to go, and our troops are prepared to move anywhere they're needed at a moment's notice. Reports from the rest of our allies show similar levels of readiness across the globe. When those droids start landing here, we'll be ready for them," General Sullivan responds.

"What's the status on the new nuclear weapons?" Mace asks.

"Our manufacturers say they're almost ready. They could be ready for deployment within the next few days, but we may be able to have one or two ready within 30 hours," Air Force Chief of Staff General Merrill McPeak responds.

"Do we have any idea where they're likely to land?" Rex asks.

"No. I think it's safe to assume there will likely be at least one landing on each continent," General Sullivan responds.

"Agreed," Anakin says.

"Well, I think we should head up. We're going to need to be ready to move wherever we're need at a moment's notice," Obi-Wan says.

"I agree. Let's move," Mace says before leading the Jedi and two clones out of the room.

(Earth orbit, 1.5 hours later)

"All hands, prepare for battle!" Admiral Yularen shouts as the Separatist fleet approaches.

On all of the ships of the task force, clones and other officers are preparing for battle. In the Venators' hangar bays, pilots are sitting in their cockpits, ready to take off.

As Admiral Yularen watches the scopes, he's waiting for the Separatists to get close enough. Finally, as they do, he orders, "Launch all fighters!"

On each of the Venators, their hangar bay doors open, and V-Wings, ARC-170s, Eta-2s, and Y-Wings begin streaming out and heading towards the Separatist fleet.

On board his command ship, the Invisible Hand, General Grievous chuckles to himself. The Republic fleet protecting this planet is much smaller than his fleet. As he watches, he sees fighters beginning to launch from the Republic ships.

"Launch fighters and bombers. All ships, open fire as soon as we are in range," Grievous orders.

Grievous' order is relayed across the fleet. Separatist ships, particularly the Lucrehulks, begin launching hundreds of Vulture Droids, Tri-fighters, and Hyena bombers.

The fighters are the first to clash. Laser bolts streak through space as the Republic and Separatist fighters streak past each other. Bombers from both sides try and press on towards their targets as the fighters clash with each other. Some fighters from both sides attempt to pursue the bombers.

As both sides watch, it's becoming clear that the Separatists have a clear numbers advantage. In a desperate bid to get some of their Y-Wings through, the clone fighter pilots decide to ignore the Hyenas for the most part and concentrate on keeping the Vultures and Tri-fighters off their Y-Wings.

The tactic works, and almost a hundred Y-Wings are able to break through and close on the Separatist fleet. At the same time, over two hundred Hyenas are able to break away as well and close on the Republic ships.

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