Chapter 3- Meeting the President

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Chapter 3- Meeting the President

Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and the rest of the clones sit in silence in the back of the aircraft they've been loaded into. A C-130, the locals called it. Armed guards are sitting within a few yards of them, hanging onto their weapons, including Anakin and Ahsoka's lightsabers.

The base commander, General Rogers, had given them a brief briefing on where they were. The planet they were one was known as Earth, but also known as Terra. They had landed in a country known as the United States of America, whose inhabitants were collectively known as Americans. He had also told them that their President had requested to meet with them. So, the Americans at the base had loaded them onto the C-130, a large transport aircraft, which was now flying north towards America's capital city.

Ahsoka wrings her hands a bit. "They're being a little overly cautious don't you think?" she asks her master.

"Well, they've never had visitors from another planet. And I gotta admit. Showing up with a task force above their planet...they're bound to be cautious," Anakin says.

"Well, they have to believe us. Or the Separatists are gonna conquer this planet easily," Ahsoka says.

"I know, Snips. But, right now, they know nothing about us. From what I can already see of these may take them a little while to trust us," Anakin responds.

Ahsoka just nods. Then, the plane lurches a bit and shakes a bit. "What was that?" Ahsoka calls out.

"We're descending," one of the guards responds. Ahsoka just nods.

Anakin, Ahsoka, and the clones try to wait patiently as the aircraft descends. Finally, they feel the plane shake a lot as it touches down. It's another few minutes before they feel the plane stop. Then, the back of the plane starts to lower.

"Alright. Everybody up," one of the guards orders. Anakin stands, along with Ahsoka and the clones. They slowly follow the guards out of the plane. They walk across the tarmac to where some other aircraft, which General Rogers had called helicopters, are waiting.

"Alright. Half in one, half in the other," one of the guards orders. Anakin and Ahsoka go into one of the helicopters, along with Rex, Fives, and two other clones. The other six clones climb into the other helicopter. Four guards climb into each helicopter as well.

The helicopter pilots power up the helicopters, and the engines begin warming up. Within a few minutes, the helicopters lift off the ground and head west.

After a very short flight, the helicopters stop in midair, then slowly lower to the ground. After a minute, the doors of the helicopters open, and the guards outside who opened them motion for the passengers to get out of the helicopters.

Anakin and Ahsoka both hop out, followed by the clones. They look around themselves and see they've landed in a large grassy area, with trees and bushes, which is surrounding a large white building.

"Follow us," one of the guards orders. Anakin nods respectfully, and he, Ahsoka, and the clones follow him, with more guards behind them.

"What is this place?" Ahsoka asks.

"The White House. It's the personal residence of the President of the United States," one of the guards responds.

Anakin looks around the grounds. It's clear how seriously the Americans take their President's security, as he can see dozens of guards, and missile launchers. But, he also realizes some of these may just be here because of them.

The guards lead him, Ahsoka, and the clones through the front doors of the White House. They march them down multiple hallways and staircases until they finally reach a room with a sign on the door that reads, "White House Situation Room."

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