Chapter 60- Battle of Coruscant Part 1

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Chapter 60- Battle of Coruscant Pt. 1

(May 24, 1994)

Over Coruscant, a Venator class Star Destroyer slowly moves over the planet in a very high orbit. As it moves through space, two Eta-2 Interceptors, one red and one yellow, dive down towards the ship, with an Su-36 right behind them, with the symbol of the ASAT team painted on the fighter's back, and an American flag painted on the twin tails. The three fighters fly low over the Star Destroyer before pulling off to the side and diving towards the planet below, revealing a site of thousands of Republic and Separatist warships engaging each other at close range.

The Battle of Coruscant has been raging for over a day. It had begun with a Separatist attack that had destroyed most of the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet, then an attack against the planet proper that had resulted in the capture of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. However, Terran reinforcements had arrived quickly, with their original 10 ships, plus two more they had captured during the war (their remaining 5 ships of the Terran Starfleet, all captured during the war, were protecting Terra), and had devastated the Separatist fleet with nuclear attacks. Republic reinforcements had then begun to arrive in waves, with the massive Open Circle Fleet have just recently arrived, bring with it famed Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi, as well as ASAT team commandos Tyler Hall and Vasily Stasevich.

Now, Anakin, Obi Wan, and Hall pilot their fighters through the midst of the battle, flying right down the side of several Republic and Separatist warships. As they continue to fly, a Venator destroys a small Separatist ship right in front of them, and the three fly right through the fireball. Emerging through it on the other side, they see a Venator fire a powerful laser out of its ventral bay, destroying a Munificent class frigate just ahead of them.

As the three fly over the wreckage of the frigate, R2 beeps several times. In the cockpit of his fighter, Anakin says, "Lock onto him, R2."

R2 beeps a few more times. Anakin gets on the commlink and says, "Master, Colonel, General Grievous' ship is directly ahead. The one crawling with vulture droids." As he says this, the Providence class dreadnought Invisible Hand is slowly growing bigger up ahead.

"Oh, I see it. Oh, this is going to be easy," Obi Wan says sarcastically.

"We're in it now," Hall says with a grin.

Ahead of them, Vulture droids on the Invisible Hand see the three approaching fighters and begin to lift off, flying to intercept them.

Hall gets on the commlink. "Colonel Ramon, do you copy?" he asks.

A moment later, the voice of Colonel Ilan Ramon responds, "Copy you, Colonel Hall."

"Mark our position and form your squadron up behind us. We're gonna need some help," Hall says.

"We're right behind you, Colonel," Ramon responds. Moments later, 16 SF-15 Space Eagles pull in behind Hall and the two Jedi.

As the Vulture droids approach, Hall smiles as he successfully locks one up. He calls on the commlink to say, "Clear to fire." He then pulls the trigger, sending a SIM-120 missile on its way. The Space Eagles behind him begin to fire their own missiles.

SIM-120s begin to find their targets, blasting Vulture droids apart. The remaining Vultures streak through the Terran formation, firing their laser cannons. The Space Eagles separate, letting the Vultures to pass by them. All but 2 of them then snap into hard turns to re-engage the Vultures and keep them off of the two Jedi and Hall. Each of the Terran pilots find their skills taxed to the limit as they weave through laser fire and attempt to destroy any Vulture droid or Tri-fighter in sight.

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