Chapter 33- Witches of the Mist

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Chapter 33- Witches of the Mist

(January 20, 1993, Terran Time)

It's a dark, rainy day on Coruscant. The dreary weather reflects the mood currently gripping the Jedi Temple.

On a landing pad outside the Temple, Obi Wan, Adi Gallia, Saesee Tinn, Colonel White, and Plo Koon (recently returned from duty on Terra, and replaced by Luminara) watch as a shuttle descends towards them. As it lands, the ramp opens up, and a squad of US Navy SEALS makes their way towards the welcoming party, with two floating coffins among them. In them are the bodies of two Jedi killed on Devaron over a week ago.

As the SEALs approach, one of them says, "They were no survivors on Devaron. Everyone was killed, including Master Halsey and his Padawan."

"In the past, only Dooku's assassin was capable of such an effort, but she was presumed dead at the Battle of Sullust," Gallia says.

"Not everything is as it seems. There may be a new threat. Someone or something has eluded us-perhaps a newly appointed Sith Lord," Plo says.

"Not quite sure I agree with you, Master Koon. I can already tell from the wounds that these weren't caused by lightsabers. This seems more like the work of a monster than anything," White says.

"I agree with Colonel White," Obi Wan says.

(A few hours later)

Obi and Wan and White walk into a room where Obi Wan had been summoned by Master Windu and Yoda.

"Master Yoda, you called for me?" Obi Wan asks.

"Master Kenobi. Show you something, we must," Yoda says.

"We have recovered surveillance footage of the massacre on Devaron," Mace says, planting a recording device on a projector.

The recording begins, showing some massive humanoid with horns on his head attacking clones and the two Jedi with some kind of axe-spear hybrid.

"Darth Maul alive? It can't be. I killed him myself," Obi Wan gasps. White is quiet, remembering the story of Darth Maul that Obi Wan had told the entire ASAT team during their training on Terra.

"Correct, you are, Obi Wan. A creature of the same species he is, from Dathomir," Yoda says.

"Dathomir? The planet of the Witches?" Obi Wan asks.

"Withces? Geez, this galaxy gets weirder by the minute," White says kind of under his breath.

Obi Wan continues, "I was under the impression that Darth Maul's homeworld was Iridonia."

"Dathomir is the planet where Maul was raised. Iridonia is where the rest of the males of the species live," Mace explains.

"Travel to Dathomir, you must. Find the source of this threat, you will," Yoda says.

Obi Wan is quiet for a moment, then nods and walks out of the room. White turns and follows his friend out of the room.


Anakin pilots the ship down towards the planet's surface, with Obi Wan sitting beside him and White sitting behind the two Jedi.

"There's the village," Anakin says as the village the killer supposedly came from comes into view up ahead.

He sets the ship down just outside the village, and the three men exit the ship. Slowly, they make their way into the village.

"Be on guard. These men are ferocious warriors and they will show no mercy," Obi Wan says.

"Neither will I," White says in a low voice.

"Calm yourself, Colonel. We need to not cause an incident. Let me handle the negotiations," Obi Wan says.

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