Chapter 50- The Wrong Jedi

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Chapter 50- The Wrong Jedi

Adams watches with his eyes narrowed as Tarkin is speaking to the Jedi Council. As leader of the ASAT team, he is usually allowed into Jedi Council meetings.

"The Senate has requested that Ahsoka Tano be indicted for acts of treason against the Republic," Tarkin says.

"A fair trial, Padawan Tano will have, in accordance with Jedi tradition," Yoda replies.

"Ah, yes. Jedi tradition. I'm afraid that the Senate feels an internal Jedi trial would seem...biased. Therefore, the Senate requests that the Council expel Ahsoka Tano from the Jedi order so that she may be put to a Republic Military tribunal, where she will receive more impartial judgement," Tarkin says.

"And who would represent Ahsoka in this tribunal, Admiral?" Obi Wan demands.

"That would be up to the Council, but I would recommend somebody outside the Order," Tarkin says.

"The Council will act as they deem necessary. Thank you, Admiral," Mace says. Tarkin just nods before the transmission cuts off.

"Surely we cannot do what Tarkin suggests. We need to stand together with Ahsoka," Obi Wan says.

"And yet there is evidence that she was indeed the one behind the bombing," Ki Adi Mundi says.

"She was found in possession of nano droid explosives. This alone is enough to convict her," Saesee Tiin says.

"Nano droids that the FBI agents have not found her fingerprints on," Adams cuts in.

"Perhaps. But that will not satisfy the courts. I understand your sentiment, Obi Wan and Captain Adams, but if the Council does as you two suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice," Mace says.

Yoda sits there for a moment before he says, "To the Chamber of Judgment, summon Skywalker and his Padawan, and in our decision, may the Force guide us."

The Council slowly files out of the room. Despite wanting to be present, Adams heads down to the entrance of the Temple.

Adams wanders around near the entrance for almost an hour. Then, after about an hour, several Temple guards came walking up to the entrance, escorting Ahsoka. Anakin is following a bit behind, looking very angry.

As Ahsoka and the guards pass him and walk out of the entrance to the Temple, Adams reaches out to stop Anakin. "What happened?" he asks.

"The Council had already made their decision. They expelled Ahsoka from the order, and they're turning her over to the courts," Anakin says angrily.

Adams sighs. "I'll admit, I expected that. They've kind of been backed into a corner by Tarkin and the Senate," Adams says.

"Well, what do we do now? Ahsoka is innocent, I know it. But how do we prove it?" Anakin asks.

"Well, the FBI team is still processing all the gathered evidence, looking for clues to help her case. I also called in a favor from back home, so she's gonna have somebody good to represent her," Adams says.

Anakin looks at him, and just nods. The two then head out of the Temple.

(A day later)

Ahsoka stares at the floor of her cell, not really feeling any motivation to do anything to pass the time. It's been a day since she was brought to her cell. The courts have been preparing for the trial, which is why she's spent so long in the cell.

Suddenly, the door to her cell opens. Ahsoka looks up, and sees Anakin and Adams walking in. Behind Adams is a man dressed in a nice Terran style business suit and tie, with black hair and wearing glasses, and carrying a briefcase in one hand.

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