57. Endings

297 6 3

No Pairing

"Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews."

-Book of Esther 4: 13

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Wine Cellar

"You are right, she does look just like you," a woman said, entering the cellar. She held a black dahlia, but let it fall to the ground as she looked at the three people from the estate.

"Are you not Rebekah's maid servant? Becky?" Elena gasped, her sore backside forgotten. Then, she looked behind the portly servant and saw Kathy.

The heavyset maid's eyes grew white.

"I am not Becky, I think you know who I am," the possessed woman hissed. "But not what I want."

Kathy reached over and snapped her neck as Sage sucked in her breath and uttered a prayer. Sage stepped in front of Elena and Damon protectively. "In the name of God, leave us be. Your quarrel is not with us," Sage protested.

Kathy laughed, "Save your prayers, 'lady.' I remember now. My name is Katherine Pierce. I am not like you, precious little Elena. But she, the witch, said she would make me human again. Actually, I think I should just take your body. For who would know nor care?"
Sage backed away as Katherine's face drew dark and her fangs came out.

Damon stepped forward, "I would. You would not kill me, would you, Kathy?"

"Of course not. I aim to marry you," Katherine hissed. She vamped over and grasped Sage around the neck. Before she could hurt her, Damon uttered a spell and Kathy fell to the ground.

"Run!" Damon yelled. Her pushed Elena out of the cellar and grabbed Sage's arm.

"That was...was a v-vampire," Sage choked out.

"Yes, and we need to go now," Damon yelled over the blustery winds.

"You are right. There is no time to waste," Sage agreed, getting back her senses. They tore through the still howling wind and made it back to the house.

Damon held Elena's hand tightly and reassured her that they would be fine.

"But the boys? What if....?" Elena ventured, terrified of the thought of losing her brother, like she lost her parents.

"They are with the others," Damon said with confidence. "They are safe."

Mikaelson Mansion


By the time the shaken trio had gotten back to the house, the winds had died and everything seemed fine. No one on the estate had any inkling that something was wrong.

"Even the sun is out," Sage gasped. "Let us get in and tell the others. Damon, you saved us. Let us forget about your indiscretions."

Sage called for Finn and the others came running. They explained what happened quickly.


"It tis called keening," Freya explained. "Dahlia cannot only sense magic, she can take control of people. She told me about but I did not know she could actually do it. She is linking with someone with powerful magic."

"Keening?" Kol said, his punishment lines forgotten. "I may have heard of it. She can inhabit a human and see through their eyes from a vantage point of safety. Tis only a very special kind of witch that can do that."

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