46. What a Fuss!

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Thanks to everyone who gave me their input on this chapter. I tried to compromise and incorporate an idea from everyone.

Pairing: Finn/Damon (M/m) hand, switch, Klaus/Marcel (M/M) hand, belt

Whitmore Boarding House

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Two Hours Earlier

Elijah and Hayley held hands and looked at the stars together. Hayley had never felt like this. She felt safe and happy with the sophisticated and powerful vampire. She could have sat like this forever, just with him. Elijah broke the spell by speaking.

"I brought you something," Elijah whispered. He let go of her hand to dig out a small black velvet pouch from his jacket pocket. Hayley looked at Elijah in surprise and pleasure, saying, "You did not have to get me anything. Just being here is enough."

Hayley had meant to gush to Elijah about how clever Solomon was and how Kol was maturing and helping her during the day. She was a little concerned about Stefan always stuffing sweets in his mouth when no one was looking. Then, she wanted to talk about Elena and Damon. Hayley saw something in the boy's eyes, she did not care for. He was not only smitten, he was deeply in love. At so young an age, Hayley never thought that came to much good. But all of those things fell into the back of her mind as she slipped out the contents of the draw string pouch into her hand.

"What is it?" Hayley gasped. She saw a green stone cut into a perfect circle. "It's beautiful."

"When I first saw it, I thought it matched your eyes. But then the old witch who sold it to me told me more. It is called alexandrite, 'emerald by day, ruby by night,'" Elijah said, moving to put the pendant around her graceful neck. "It was discovered in the Ural Mountains in Russia in the 1830s. But this one is special. It will only turn red if you are in danger."

"Oh Elijah, I love it," Hayley breathed. They shared a kiss but then Elijah felt something in his pocket.

"What the devil?" Elijah gasped, putting a note out of his pocket. It looked like it was written in blood. It said, "Brother, come home now please. Damon, Elena, Rebekah, and Marcel are missing."

"I needs go," Elijah said, leaning over to press a kiss into Hayley's forehead. She caught his hand.

"Wait. Thank you for the pendant. I shall wear it always," Hayley said.

"Please do, I hope it helps keep you safe," Elijah said, parting.

Hayley turned to the open window and called into the boarding house.

"Harriet, Kathy, you can come out here now. I would like to speak to you!" Hayley said, fingering her new pendant. It was still green, but she knew that someday soon it would turn red like the blood that would run through Mystic Falls.

Mikaelson Estate


Elijah led Damon back in the direction of the house, but the boy was lagging. He was glad that Freya had successfully used her magic to summon him and that he was there to keep Niklaus calm. Their hybrid brother was the best tracker, but he sometimes wanted to maul his "prey" when he found them. Now that Damon was safe, he and Niklaus should be looking for their other two lost lambs: Rebekah and Marcellus.

Elijah was relieved to see Finn coming back.

"Brother, would you see that Damon makes it to the house. I must see to Nilaus and find the other two. I have some idea of where they might be," Elijah said. In Old Norse, Elijah continued, "There is an old barn on the south end of the property where they meet. They may be there."

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