52. Mousetrap

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Pairing: Hayley/Hank (F/f) yardstick

*Continued thanks to Jazmine F. for Hank storyline

*Thank you to everyone else reading this story. I never had planned to extend it this long.

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

After Damon and Elena spoke to their younger brothers a bit harshly, Sage entered with Solomon by her side. Damon had been itching to toss Stefan over her knee again and give him a real spanking. However, he saw the repentance and regret in his eyes and knew he had already learned his lesson. Damon held Stefan a long time and ended up comforting him. He was not so sure about Jeremy. He was upset, but had a poor attitude when Elena reprimanded him for trying so hard to get the ball and picking on Solomon.

Sage said, "Boys, I believe you have something to say to Solomon."

Stefan sniffed and stepped forward, "Sorry, Solomon. We should not have been mean to you. I like to play with you. Will you forgive me?"

Solomon nodded and Stefan rushed forward and the two boys hugged. Jeremy hung back. Elena gave him a little push.

"Jer, tell him you are sorry," Elena said.

Jeremy shrugged, "I am sorry that thou cannot catch a ball!"

Solomon and Stefan turned to him in surprise.

Sage's face grew stern. "Perhaps the hiding you got did not do the trick, but we can remedy that."

"No! No! Solomon, I am s-sorry, too," Jeremy balked, backing up on his bed. "Forgive me."

Solomon nodded, "I just never had time before or children to play with. I will try harder."

Sage put an arm around the smaller boy. "Nay, if Jeremy cannot play nicely, then he can sit in this room and write lines. Mayhaps a few days confined inside will soften his heart?"
"No, please," Jeremy whined. "I said sorry..."
Elena frowned, "Jeremy, your behavior is most appalling. If Mother and Father were here they would be ashamed at you."
Jeremy broke down and flung himself on his bed.

Sage cleared her throat, "Children, I believe I hear Cook calling us to supper. Go on, I shall bring Jeremy down in a moment."
Stefan still felt silly in his night clothes but Damon said it would feel better on his sore rump than tight trousers.

Sage went over and sat on the bed by Jeremy. She patted his back as he cried and then spoke softly to him.

"Honey, tell me what is really going on," Sage said. "I am here to listen. Do you not like it here?"

Jeremy sniffled and wiped his face. "I very much like it here. It tis nice and I like everyone very much. But when Elena and I were on our own, I had to be rough and mean so as to get us food. In addition, we were almost always together. Now, Elena is off with the girls or Damon. All she ever does now is scold me for being naughty. Tis not fair."

Sage nodded, "I know what tis is like to have no one to take you in. When I was but a little older than you, I twas on my own also. But I had no sister nor brother to help me. Elena cares about you more than anyone else. Those things you had to do to survive were fine at the time, but now you have to adjust. That means no more mischief just for the sake of mischief. Look at this grand house. Do you not think we would rather supply you with a new ball rather than drag you half-dead out of the lake?"

Jeremy smiled sheepishly, "Yes, I was being foolish. And I will show Solomon how to throw better. I swear it."

Sage kissed Jeremy on the top of the head, "Aye, but I meant it about you being restricted to your room if you do not behave. This time, I shall let it go but next time means you are on punishment. And believe me, if you are restricted, I will put you to bed each night with a fierce licking with my hairbrush. Now, let us go eat. I do not wish to starve you, child."

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