15. Nothing Less

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Finn/Elijah (M/M) hand (mild)

"Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less." -Susan B. Anthony, Suffragist

Sunday, July 1, 1855

Mikaelson Guest House

Klaus was eager to move into the new house. This guest house was cramped and not at all the style they had grown accustomed to. This church picnic was dull and Klaus had already compelled away two widows and a buxom virgin looking for a rich husband in the span of ten minutes. He should have made up a sick wife who was convalescing at home. Yet, even a wife would not deter some of these woman. Klaus supposed he had his rakish good looks to blame.

Klaus did not want to say too much in front of the boys, but took Finn aside.

"I am anxious to see what Marcel and Kol did to vex Elijah so. Do you mind if we take leave early?" Klaus asked Finn.

"Not at all, Brother. If Rebekah wishes to stay with the younger boys, we can send the coach back for her," Finn said lightly.

Klaus wanted to argue that he would never leave their sister unattended, but he was embarrassed to voice those words aloud. She was an Original vampire, as well as they were. Although, she had not been trained in hunting and warfare as the boys in the family were as humans, Rebekah had developed fighting skills in the subsequent centuries.

"Of course. Thank you," Klaus said.

"Brother, do you not trust Elijah?" Finn asked lightly. As if not trusting the brother who had stood by him his entire life was an option. Now, did he trust Rebekah to choose her lovers? Not at all.

"Of course I do. I trust him with my life," Klaus replied. "Why do you ask?"

"You seem anxious," Finn remarked.

"We should also make sure we are packed for the big move in day. I would like everything to go smoothly. In truth, Finn, sometimes Elijah is a tad hard on my son. Marcellus is a sensitive boy. Elijah always accusing me of spoiling him and forgets how young he is," Klaus admitted.

"Of course. I understand. I am so pleased that you have such a such a wonderful son. He is a good man, Niklaus. But I am sure that Elijah would never hurt him," Finn said calmly.

"Aye, I'll get the others," Klaus said.

Rebekah and Damon were ready to go. Damon was troubled by the argument he saw earlier. Rebekah had asked him what was wrong, but he did not want to cause more trouble and kept it to himself.

Stefan was having a grand time at the picnic. He ran into the woods with the other boys. Damon went to fetch him and he refused to come.

"Stefan, we are going home. If you shall not come. I am going to get Niklaus or Finn!" Damon threatened.

In front of his friends, Stefan was fearless, "I do not care. I can do what I want." The other lads were duty impressed. Damon was frustrated and did not want to go back to the picnic looking as a failure.

"Stefan, you come back with me right now or you are going to get a whipping!" Damon yelled. Stefan just laughed and ran away. His friends laughed with him and egged him on.

Damon kicked a tree log and then burst it in pieces with his magic exploding it.

"Damon!" Klaus hissed. "What are you doing?"

Damon flushed at the scolding tone of the older man's voice. "I am sorry, but Stefan mocked me and ran off. I told him he ought to get a whipping and he ran off."

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