21. Red Lips

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Pairing: Elijah/Damon (M/m) hand, wooden spoon

Chapter Text

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Estate

Sunday, July 15, 1855

"I heard you were very naughty in town yesterday, young man," Rebekah smiled as she entered the dining room.

"Bekah! I wanted to tell you but I never woke up," Stefan exclaimed at breakfast getting up to hug her. Elijah held his chair so it did not topple over.

"You must have been very tired indeed. Now, sit and eat your breakfast, that is, if you can," Rebekah said poking him in the tummy.

Stefan laughed, "My bum does not hurt anymore, but yesterday it was dreadful!" Elijah and Sage laughed and shook their heads at the excited nine year old.

Elijah pulled out Rebekah's chair, "You look radiant today, Sister. Are you excited for church services?"

Rebekah sneered, but remembered Stefan was there, and corrected, "Oh yes, they are so lovely and ah...inspiring. Miss Sage, how are you feeling? Are you coming with us?"

Sage flushed, "I am doing much better thank you. Stefan here made me a very nice apology letter and regaled us with the story of his very firm punishment yesterday. Finn has asked me to come with all of you...so I shall."

"Grand. You will get to hear the wonderful sermon," Rebekah intoned sarcastically.

"I hear it is something, all right," Sage agreed. "If you will excuse me, I am going to go check in with Finn. He is wrapped up in some paperwork. Pardon me." Sage got up to see after Finn.

Damon and Kol came in from practicing witchcraft in the attic. Kol had set up a little workspace there for Damon to practice. They had put a lock on the door to protect it from the prying and curious eyes of the staff. Marcel and Klaus followed in from the study.

Elijah pulled out his pocket watch, "Need I get one of those cow bells to call all of you for breakfast? Hmm?"

Klaus smirked, "Apologies, Brother. We have been finalizing some of the charitable donations for today. Taking over this future town will not happen on its own, you know. Anyway, excited for the picnic? I am sure the new schoolmarm will be there, eh?"

Elijah looked innocent, "Niklaus, I have no earthly idea what you are getting at. Stefan, may I cut that sausage for you?" Elijah cut up the meat for Stefan and took a sip of his tea.

"I am getting at nothing. Finn wanted to leave a bit early for services today as Sage needed to check on the saloon," Klaus said casually.

"We can barely get there on time on a regular basis, but if we must, we must," Elijah said.

Damon asked, "Do you think it is going to rain?"

Marcel turned and looked out the windows, "It may. It will cut some of this heat at least. But the church picnic could get cut short."

Kol cleared his throat, "Maybe your lady friend will be there, Damon. The one with the dark hair, what is her name? Kathy?"

Klaus' eyes snapped up, "Damon, I asked you to stay away from her and her companion. Did I not?"

Kol cut in, "Why, Brother? What is the problem? I met the other girl yesterday. She seemed rather intriguing."

Klaus raised his voice, "I asked Damon to stay away from them. Did I not? Damon, answer me, young man?"

Damon looked down, "I ran into her in town. She stopped me. I just do not see what the problem is..."

Klaus slammed down his fork, "We discussed this. There is something untoward going on. Think about it? How odd is it that Giuseppe is taking in wards all of a sudden?"

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