50. Pied Piper of Hamelin

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Pairing: Hayley/Matthew-George-Logan (F/mmm) paddle, hand

*Special thanks to Jazmine F.(ff.net) who created the character of Hank.

"And I chiefly use my charm

On creatures that do people harm,

The mole, and toad, and newt, and viper;

And people call me the Pied Piper."

-from "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" by Robert Browning (1812–1889)

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Rebekah and Elena's Room

Rebekah did the rest of her school work while sitting at her desk. She had fed heavily from three of the servants that the family had designated. They created a rotation so as not to take too much blood from any one person. Elijah also made sure they were compensated and properly compelled. He oft reminded his siblings to make sure they healed all of the wounds, though they knew that created the risk of perhaps having new vampires should an accidental death occur.

"Thank you, Judith," Rebekah had said to the last woman she fed from.

"Of course," Judith replied. "May I get you anything, Miss? Some tea? Warm milk? Are you feeling ill?"

"I am better now," Rebekah said, as she wiped her mouth with a cloth. "But some wine would be nice."

Judith's pleasant, though plain face, looked troubled.

"Oh, what tis it?" Rebekah inquired, tossing the soiled cloth into the laundry bin.

"Mr. Klaus locked the wine cellar. He said he twas fearing that the children may go down there...But I can fetch you some of Cook's sherry, if ya like?" Judith offered, looking uncomfortable.

"Nay, tis fine. Do not trouble yourself," Rebekah said, smiling sweetly.

Judith bowed slightly and left.

Rebekah changed for bed and got in here bed. She did not know where Elena was...Probably still on the walk with the children. Rebekah shut her eyes and stared at the ceiling.

"Sister, may I have a word?" Elijah said softly.

"Of course," Rebekah said drolly. "I must have dozed off..."
Elijah smiled, "Judith was concerned. She said you looked troubled."

Rebekah shrugged, "Tis nothing. I supposed you aim to whip me also? Go on, I care not anymore."
Elijah sat on Rebekah's bed, on the edge.

"Sister, we are not the tyrants you sometimes make us out to be. Niklaus' discipline was enough," Elijah started. "Sadly, I have darker matters to discuss with you, ones regarding life and death. I am sorry that we have not filled you in sooner. We have perhaps not be in this much danger since Niklaus begun that war with the French quarter coven or Father almost caught us in Spain. Have you spoken to Freya today?"
"Not about our aunt," Rebekah admitted. "Dahlia, is it? Do you really think she will come for us?"
Elijah nodded, "I do. I trust Freya's judgment. She was brought up by this woman. Please take care to be more aware. If you see anything odd, like birds behaving strangely or flowers in odd places, it could be her dark magic seeping into our lives. Witches may not be able to kill us, but as we have seen from New Orleans, we are still vulnerable to their hexes and vile intentions. Emily was able to restore some of my memories, but my mind is still muddled. They have the ability to manipulate the nature they claim to serve. That is keeping me up at night. We have so many humans depending on us now."
Rebekah sat up and took Elijah's hands.

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