8. Temperance Union

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Pairing: Finn/Elijah (M/M) ruler

Monday, June 11, 1855

Late Afternoon


"Now, if I may, Brother, allow me to do all of the talking. Since the local inhabitants are a stubborn lot, they seek to curb much of the enterprise from Mystic Falls. They are calling the saloon an exercise in vice and moral turpitude.. This saloon owner is quite upset, as you may imagine," Klaus said opening the door to the dark wooden structure for his older brother to step through. It was cooler and much darker inside. The weather did not bother vampires as much as humans, but they could still feel changes in temperature.

"Yes, was that square where the natives used to worship? And was not that our home...?" Finn said pausing to look out of the blurry glass into the street.

"Aye, that was our family home. The farm land reached clear past the city block. Looks a bit different, eh? Progress. I feel like where we are standing now is where the barn was," Klaus said as a boy rushed over to get their order.

"Can I be helpin' you, good sirs?" the boy asked nervously. They did not get such finely dressed customers since the leading citizens took a stand against drink, gambling, and girls.

"Thank you, lad, but we are here to see the proprietress, if you please," Klaus said grandly. The saloon was smokey from a cook stove burning and almost devoid of customers. There were two older gentleman sitting at the large bar, but all the small tables were empty.

"It is early in the day for drink, is it not?" Finn asked seeing Klaus' frown.

"Not in particular. In every town in the world, there is always a day drinking clientele," Klaus explained in a low voice.

Finn guffawed, "You do not say?"

"Nay, not me. It has been many years since I have had time to indulge in wanton pleasures and drink. Now, we have had to drag Kol out of these establishments a few times. Truth be told, Marcellus went through a wild period, but we got him straightened out, I believe," Klaus said checking his pocket watch for the time.

Finn reached out to touch it, Klaus unclipped the chain and gave it to his brother.

"A time piece, every man of worth should have one. We shall show you how to look at it later. Keep it," Klaus said folding the gold watch into Finn's hand. Finn slipped it in his pocket and looked up to see the most beautiful creature in the universe approaching them.

"Mr. Mikaelson, thank you for coming," a shapely red-haired woman in a green linen dress purred.

"Enchanted, madam. This is my brother, Finn Mikaelson. Finn, may I present the lovely and clever Madam Sage?" Klaus said taking her gloved hand and kissing it.

Finn, to Klaus' astonishment, did the same. "Lovely to meet you," Finn uttered looking the blue eyed beauty straight in the eye.

"Are you the eldest brother, Mr. Mikaelson?" Sage asked letting Finn still hold her hand.

"Why, yes, I am? I just recently arrived in town. I am sorry to hear that the locals are trying to shut you down. Do you perhaps have a list of the...rabble-rousers?" Finn jumped in. Klaus was surprised at how quickly Finn was picking up advanced vocabulary. His memory was extremely sharp, as if his mind etched everything said in his presences in its' recesses.

"Why yes I do. The first one is a Fell, of course. They are always a pain in the arse, excuse my course language," Sage replied as both she and Finn laughed and walked off to sit at a small table.

Back in Mystic FallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora