4. Hello Brother

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Pairing: Klaus/Damon (M/m) hand, bath brush

Chapter Text

"Govern a family as you would cook a small fish – very gently."

-Chinese proverb

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Guest House

Sunday Afternoon

May 6, 1855

Damon sunk into the now lukewarm water and scrubbed the dust and sweat from his body. The servants had left a lavender scented soap, a wash cloth, a wooden scrub brush, and a large cotton towel on the chest by the wooden bathtub. They surely had fine things here, Damon mused. Damon knew his Father was wealthy, but he was at times frugal, having grown up poor. The Mikaelsons seemed to have the best of everything and lots of it. Damon washed his hair hastily and wondered if he would smell like a flower when he got out of the bath. Their servants at home made their soap out of lye and fat from the slaughtered animals, it never smelled this fine.

Damon rose from the water and wrapped the towel around his waist. He found a pair of light cotton pajamas on folded neatly on the bed. Since his other clothes were dirty, he had no choice but to put the pajamas on although it was still afternoon. Damon caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the dresser. He face flamed brightly at the sight of himself in the light blue night clothes. They made him look like a little boy, especially with his dark hair dripping wet. He had not worn pajamas in the daytime since the last time he was ill with fever. There had been a terrible yellow fever outbreak the summer before, but it had not affected Veritas Estate, Damon had just had a summer sickness.

A light tap on the door broke Damon out of his reverie. "Come in," he called with his voice cracking.

Klaus peeked in, "Feeling better? We shall either send for your clothes or fetch the tailor soon. Rebekah got one of those new sewing machines a few months back, but she will make you look like a French harlot drunk on absinthe. She favors only the most garish fabrics!"

Damon did not know what that meant exactly, but he assumed it was bad. "Thank you, Mr. Mikaelson. Has Father called for us yet."

"Son, would you be upset if he did want you back or did not? Tell me the truth, please," Klaus questioned coming over to lean against the trunk at the foot at the bed. He patted the spot beside him for Damon to sit next to him.

"God's honest truth? I love my father, as is my duty, but he has never liked me. I am afraid of him and I despise his politics and his views on...well, everything," Damon said with vehemence. "There are times I am afraid that he is capable of unspeakable acts. Forgive my ungratefulness, but he is not right in the mind."

"I feared my father, too. More than I can say. That is no way for a child to live. Elijah spoke to your father and made sure that you boys would be safe here. And Damon, we do intend to keep you boys safe. What your brother did was very dangerous, running off like that. It cannot happen again," Klaus said gravely.

"Stefan is impulsive and spoiled. We all indulge and baby him. And I was speaking to a girl I met, she was very comely and I lost my head. I will never forgive myself!" Damon spewed getting up suddenly.

Klaus pulled Damon to stand in front of him gently. "Look at me, you will forgive yourself. Aye, you got distracted by a pretty lass. It happens, especially at your age. But you are going to be punished and then we need not speak of it."

Damon was ashamed, but forced himself to meet Klaus' blue-green eyes that burned with sincerely. He nodded.

"Now, tell me how your father punishes you," Klaus said quietly.

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