45. Virginia Bluebells

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No Pairing

Whitmore Boarding House

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Hayley was not much surprised when both Mr. Lockwood and Mr. Fell paid her a call that evening.

"What a nice surprise!" Mrs. Whitmore gushed at the sight of the time esteemed citizens. "If I know you were coming I would have prepared something."

Mrs. Whitmore took the mens' coats, hats, and walking sticks and put them in the stand herself. It was hard for her to move with her gout but it had been some time since a prominent citizen paid her a visit.

"No need to go to any trouble, Mrs. Whitmore. Please, do not trouble yourself. Sit back down," Barnette Lockwood said robustly in his deep, baritone voice. His face was clean-shaven but his mutton chop sideburns crawled down to his jawline.

Thomas Fell agreed, looking around the almost shabby parlor, "Yes, Mrs. Fell warned me not to drink any spirits tonight as it does not agree with my constitution."

Mrs. Whitmore nodded, "Yes, if only we could get that evil saloon shut down for good. This place is not what it used to be like when my dear husband was alive. God rest his soul."

"He was a fine man, surely," Barnette confirmed. "But we have come to speak to the school mistress. It seems our boys had some trouble today."

"Oh yes, of course," Mrs. Whitmore said, getting up with difficulty. She ambled to the stairs and bellowed for Hayley.

Hayley appeared a moment later. "Gentleman, what may I do for you. I was just working on my lessons for tomorrow."

Mrs. Whitmore lingered a moment, unsure if it would be appropriate for her to leave the younger women in the company of two men. However, they were fine, upstanding businessmen, so she finally excused herself to give them some privacy.

"Now what may I do for you? I assume you got my note," Hayley started. She heard a sound up the stairs and wondered if Kathy was eavesdropping. Harriet certainly kept herself too busy to indulge in other folks' business.

"George said you thrashed him and Logan today," Barnette said dryly. "But he claims he was innocent."

"Mr. Lockwood, I may not have seen your son throw the rocks but several other students did. I assure you they not only were bullying other boys but they lied and then threatened them," Hayley said, taking a deep breath.

Her brown hair was still pinned up in a bun and she wore the striped skirt and white blouse she had taught in. Under her skirts, she hoped the men did not notice that she wore her slippers. Her feet ached from being in her boots all day.

"Was one of those so-called witnesses Kol Mikaelson?" Thomas asked, fingering his moustache nervously.

"So what if it was?" Hayley asked wryly. She was starting to get angry. No wonder those boys felt so entitled to attack the others. Their fathers' did not seem concerned about their behavior.

Their was another knock at the door. Harriet scurried out of the other parlor and opened the door saying, "Pardon me, Miss."

"It tis no matter, Harriet," Hayley replied. "I could have gotten that."

Harriet should not be acting as the maid, but Mrs. Whitmore had let the other staff go due to her finances waning. And as Harriet had been the maid, she did some of her prior duties out of habit.

"Hello, Harriet. Is Miss Hayley available?" Hayley heard a cultured voice say. Despite her resolve, her posture straightened and her eyes brightened.

"Pardon me, sirs. It tis Mr. Mikaelson," Hayley said, stepping quickly to the door.

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