2. Plenty of Time

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Pairing: Damon/Stefan (m/m) hand (mild)

Chapter Text

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Guest House

Sunday Evening

May 6, 1855

"He is a little doll, is he not?" Rebekah said to her maid, Maddy.

"Yes, Miss Becca, he sure is!" Maddy smiled widely.

"I probably shouldn't spoil him but I cannot help myself. All I ever wanted were children of my own," Rebekah sighed.

"You will have them someday, Ma'am. You gots plenty of time. God provides," Maddy said casually as she folded the blanket on the chair that Rebekah had wrapped around Stefan after his bed. She would have carried him up to her bedroom herself but it might cause the servants to be suspicious that a 16 year girl had the strength to carry a nine year old boy up the stairs. So Stefan had to walk tiredly until Rebekah dressed him in a nightshirt and tucked him in her feather bed.

"You look happy, Sister," Klaus said coming in holding a candle and handing her a cup of chamomile tea laced with honey, just as she liked it.

"I am, Niklaus. Thank you for letting them stay. Handsome, but clever, too. I am sure they will someday help you with the accounts and businesses," Rebekah offered.

"They need not labor here for their daily bread. There is enough children working in these times. Let us just let them be boys. Now, you go to bed yourself, sweetheart," Klaus smiled tenderly.

"Yes, Brother, if you insist. I am going to sew Stefan some play clothes first thing in the morning. I might make you a new nightshirt, if fortune favors you," Rebekah teased.

"Oh, fortune always favors the bold. I love you, little Sister," Klaus said as he kissed her on the forehead and pulled the covered up. He gazed a moment at the sleeping child. Klaus brushed his free hand against his chubby cheek and impulsively leaned down and kissed him also.

"He's a jolly, little lad," Rebekah whispered fondly.

"And a naughty one. Cook is down mopping the floor in the kitchen. She said he sloshed half the water of the tub playing pirates," Klaus shared.

"He got a tad worked up," Rebekah admitted.

"Sister, promise me you shall not spoil him too terribly. He needs to learn to mind," Klaus said gently.

Rebekah conceded, "You are, Niklaus. Goodnight."

"I bid you goodnight," Klaus said blowing out the candle on the night stand and taking his candle with him. He did not need it to see, but it would look odd to the servants if he walked around in the pitch darkness.

Klaus headed to the boys' room. This was only a temporary residence, but the bedrooms were still large.

Klaus found the door opened a crack and entered to find Damon snoring softly on his side. Marcel was reading and Kol was in a third single bed tossing a ball up in the air.

"It is late, gentleman. Young Damon here must have been exhausted. You two, to bed also," Klaus insisted.

"Brother, I am not tired," Kol whined.

"I always find you sleep so soundly after a firm spanking. Now, hand over the ball and blow out the lantern. Marcel, put down the book," Klaus demanded.

"Yes, Papa," Marcel said complying.

"We have much to do tomorrow. I expect both of you to be good examples and be on your best behavior. Is that clear?" Klaus pressed.

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