51. Dip in the Lake

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Pairing: Freya/Stefan-Jeremy (F/mm) hand, spoon

Mikaelson Estate

Mystic Falls, Virginia

September 1855

Elijah's Office


Finn paced in Elijah's office until Elijah asked him to sit down.

"I think you are correct in your assertions about the town, Elijah. There was talk in the saloon, that the Fells are planning to open up an eating house soon. That would cut into our business," Finn complained.

Elijah thought a moment. "I am not sure about that. This could be a good thing. More businesses need more workers, it tis not as if they will serve spirits there. Correct?" Elijah pressed.

"I am not sure," Finn stated. "I also heard talk that the Fells are giving that parcel of land to the church. Were we not benefactors there, too?"

"We were," Elijah said. "Yet with our gold tied up here, we have had to cut back. I know you aim to put the saloon profits back into the saloon. We need to branch out. We need more businesses where we can make coin."

"What if we opened up the workshops here to sell to customers?" Finn said. "That way our workmen will not be idle when the house is finished and we can turn a profit?"

Elijah smiled, "Aye, I will speak to Niklaus about that. The building plans are robust, but we could hire more workers ourselves. But right now, money is not our biggest issue."

"Yes, the safety. Has Freya said that she would agree to the plan?" Finn asked.

"No, she will not take a life for her life. She is adamant about that. Ilayda believes that she may be able to put someone in a deep sleep in her place, though. It tis not ideal, but our sister is a Mikaelson through and through," Elijah smiled wryly.

"Stubborn as a mule, you mean?" Finn questioned.

"Indeed. Freya is also working with Solomon and Damon in training them," ELijah added. "We shall need all the power we can get. Solomon can draw on his ancestors and Damon nature. Freya's magic draws from mostly the same place as Dahlia's and..." Elijah drifting off.

"Mother's. That is why she and Ayana were reluctant to do too many spells. There was a cost that we could not see," Finn interjected. "Tis explains a lot."

"I never understood why Mother did not put a stop to Father's rage," Elijah said. "When her teas and charms did not work, she just let him fume and throw his fits. After she made us, I sometimes wondered why. She had such power that she could have done more. But now it makes sense. This dark magic is more dangerous than I imagined."

Finn grumbled, "I cannot claim to understand. I always felt Mother was disappointed that only Kol had any interest in magic, but perhaps she was relieved. Tis a heavy burden to carry. All that power."

"As Freya explained it, nature always finds a balance. If she would kill an innocent, she fears that something would be taken from her," Elijah said, struggling to explain.

"I see," Finn said. "Yet what is the cost to Dahlia? If her evil magic is so powerful, what is the cost to her?"

Elijah leaned back and guessed, "Her heart? Her soul, if there is such a thing...I know not. But I made a list of those who she might target for the sleeping spell. Here."

Finn took the list and blinked, "Giuseppe Salvatore? Do you just mean to get your hands on those lumber mills?"

"That would be an added benefit for Damon and Stefan," Elijah agreed.

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