Part 31

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A week passed by soon and I have been the happiest with my man. Aria and Bella confessed and had fallen into Zain and Xavier's plan.

Bella was alive and I was happy that they are getting punished for what they deserve. I was in office working on an important assignment which I  supposed to present today during meeting.

I got a text from Xavier "Baby I am pissed, you did not wake me up and left for office today before me."

B: Had an important paper to present today.

X: But still you could have woken me up and I could have helped you at home.

B: But I want the assignment I had prepared be a surprise for you too. I am sure you are going to love my idea during the meeting today.

X: I know my wife is talented she needs not prove it anymore. God even if I may not like it, I would still agree to whatever you want to do. I don't know why you don't want others to know yet about us.

B: Promise me if you will not like it you will not agree. Please I am your wife at home, here I am a mere employee and treat me like that.

X: You know I was just saying that coz I love you a lot. I would always tell you if you did any mistake at work that's why I am called a mean boss for always finding mistakes in others work.

B: I know. Anyways see you in conference for meeting in few minutes bye.

B: Hey baby wish me luck. As a husband and not a boss.

X: Hey wife go kill it and don't let your mean boss find any mistake. I love you a lot.

X: Anyways give me a heads up on what are you wearing?

B: I am not wearing anything special regular office clothes. Don't want the boss to be distracted by my beauty.

X: You sure are beautiful and it always distract me, what can I do about that?

B: Nothing just concentrate on work and better not give me those puppy dogs eyes or I want to kiss you look during the meeting.

X: I can't promise that.

B: Do that and I will go to my uncle's place for a week without you.

X: That's harsh baby. Anyways all the best. Bye. I love you.

B: Thanks! Love you too.

After that I sorted the paperwork required for the presentation and the power point presentation I prepared.

As soon as I along with Emily entered the conference room, it was full of senior employees and Board members. We greeted them and had small talk until the boss arrived.

A few minutes later Xavier came along with Blake. He greeted everyone and told everyone to settle. As soon as everyone was settled I started my presentation.

I told everyone "Good morning everyone, I along with my team had planned a new line of business for our firm. If everyone is satisfied with my presentation do second me later on."

I continued showing the graphs and everything to everyone while explaining.

"If we enter the market with our own cloth brand we will have a better chance at earning income. We can have the models wear out clothes during event, that way we won't have to pay the brands the additional fees for using their clothes. Brands would want us to use their clothes at much lesser cost as it will affect their business also. Our main purpose for launch of our brand will be just for normal citizens to dress like models at a pocket friendly rates. We can reach to normal citizens to use us as their fashion consultant too. Mainly for their wedding, during festivals and related events. School students can use our help for prom. I even have a famous designer from NYC ready to help us. She is non other than Ms. Kate Knight. She will be designing clothes for both men and women. All we will be needing is a factory and warehouse. Within a year we can launch our brand into the market."

Xavier said "That's an amazing idea. Why did my sister never tell me about all this planning?"

I told him "That's because I wanted to keep it a secret until I was done with my presentation. She will be here by this weekend, if we sign a deal with her she will work for us and if not she will be starting her own brand here in LA."

Xavier asked "Okay everyone I want to know your decision, raise your hand whoever is seconding Ms. Adam's idea."

I saw everyone's hand raised and was happy. Xavier had the biggest smile and said "Congratulations Mrs. Knight the deal is yours. From today onwards the clothing line will be your responsibility. You will be heading the business and we will just be your investor."

Everyone began to whisper "What? Mrs. Knight? Was all this planned? What the hell?"

I asked Xavier confused "What do you mean by it?" I mean that "I want to keep this two business separate, I want you to handle the clothing business on your own. I will just be an investor and will help you in anything and at anytime required."

He than stood up and walked towards me. He took my hand and told everyone "I would like to officially introduce you all to my fiancée and soon to be wife Brooklyn Adams. If anyone of you are going to think that she is here because of me and all, so no! I never knew about her working here. I only found out a few months back, before that we have know each other for six years. She is here on her own and I knew nothing about what she had planned today."

Emily was the first one to say "She sure is talented, I too know her for past six years. At first she was a part timer and then after graduating she applied for the job and got it. I never knew you two were a thing. Congratulations Brooklyn and Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight you sure found a perfect and equally talented match for you."

After that everyone congratulated us and all. After everyone left I asked Xavier "What the fuck? Why did you not ask me before doing it?"

He pulled my cheeks and said "You are so cute even when you are angry anyways, I had not planned it before coming here but seeing you and how smart you were and the way all the men here were admiring what was mine, I couldn't stop myself from claiming you to be mine."

I asked him "Why make me a boss? Isn't that too much?"

He pecked my lips and told me "You always wanted to start your own business and this idea was yours and it was your business plan so who am I to steal your business from you? Congratulations on starting your own business Mrs. Knight. I hope you will double the money I have invested in your business."

I had tears in eyes, God when did I get so lucky. I thanked him and asked him "Do you love me so much? God Xavier when did I get so lucky?"

He again pecked my lips and smiling said "Since the day you married me you got lucky." He joked and the continued "I can't even express how happy I am and how much I love you Brooke. This is the least I could do for you. I had differences with my dad for past 20 years, we were a dysfunctional family but you brought us all close. I never believed in love until I met you. You my love are my Happily ever after."

I smiled and told him "You are mine happily ever after too Xavier."

The end.

There will be a story of Zain and Vic where you will get to know about Zain.

Until then bye! I love you all and I will update the new book soon. I will start writing it from tomorrow. Please do suggest me some new ideas in my DM.

Do let me know what you thought about this book.

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