Part 2

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I was a week away from my graduation and here I was planning to resign from the work. I was close to the head designer. She was young and around my sister Aria's age.

I told her "Ma'am I am about to resign from here. I will be graduating business school next week and plan to find a job which pays me better."

She looked at me and said "First of all sit down and talk about it. I don't want you to leave. You are an asset to this firm and I want you to stay."

I told her "But for my future I will need a better job and a job which pays me more. I have other future plan and I am just a part timer here."

She chuckled and was like "What non sense! I have better plans for you. I had already recommended your name for assistant designer. That post is for graduate now that you are one and pay is way higher than you will get in any other job at this stage."

I was shocked would be an understatement, I asked her "But how can I be a designer when I did not even study designing?"

She asked me "Do you know my qualifications? Do you think I studied designing? I am just a high school graduate but do you think anyone is better in all this other than me?"

I shook my head and she continued "I am sure you will get this job! In last six years since the company has been formed I have never recommended anyone but I did it for you."

I asked her confused "But why? I don't think I am half as good as you."

She told me "First of all don't underestimate yourself. You are way better than me. You at such a young age deal with clients better than any designer can. You are humble, sweet and at times where needed strict and rude to a extend where you can get things done. You can manage models far better than any of us here."

I told her "You just think of me as your sister hence you are doing it."

She shook her head and told me "No I am not into nepotism. You know the owner Xavier when he selected me for the post I was just like you. I had self-doubt but he told me one day I will meet someone capable and will know what it is to trust someone blindly and know their potential. I see that potential in you dear, I have been observing you for past four years now. You can do it. I hope you will apply for the post because I need you."

I asked confused "Why do you need me?"

She smiled and told me "Keep it a secret but I am three weeks pregnant and in my absence I want my department to run smoothly. I want someone I could trust blindly to lead the team in my absence. That someone is you Brooke."

I thanked her "Thank you ma'am, I don't know if I will ever be able to pay off this debt but I promise I will apply for the job and give my 100%. I won't let you down from now onwards."

She smiled and told me "From now on stop calling me ma'am it makes me feel old. I am just like your sister you told me once so start calling me Emily."

I hugged her and cried. I know if Aria was alive she would have been just like Emily. I once had a breakdown during work and told Emily about my family, except the part about me being married.

She told me she will be my sister, though she can never replace Aria but she will always be there when I need her.

I was so happy that day, after work I told my friends about it and they helped me draft a perfect resume.

A week passed by and I graduated, I was shocked to see Xavier at my graduation ceremony but then again he was famous and one of the best business man.

I was proud to be his wife, even though we never told anyone about us. Only his family and my mother and three friends knew who his wife was, others only knew he was married.

Next day was the interview which went pretty nice. I was hoping that I get the position and if I get the position then I will be able to start my business in next five years rather than next ten years.

Two days later I got an acceptance call and was on cloud nine. I was about to call my friends to tell them the news when I got a call from unknown number.

I answered "Hello?"

"Hello Brooklyn?" Said the man on the other side.

I told him "Yes I am! Who are you?"

The man replied "Hey! It's me Xavier. I just wanted to take you out for dinner as a congratulations for graduating and wanted to talk about something important if you are free tonight?"

I told him "Oh hi Xavier! I am free tonight but you don't have to take me out to congratulate. Whatever you want to talk about we can talk at your place."

I am pretty sure he wants a divorce, now that he knows I can live on my own he would want to move on.

If that's what he want then I will happily give him that as he gave me a place to stay and good food to eat for last four years.

He told me "First of all it's not just my house it's yours too. You have been staying there for four years now. Secondly, I want to do it so please let me for once."

I agreed "Sure! Tell me the time and place I will be there."

He told me "Okay then I will pick you up from our home around 7 pm. I am sure you can't drive as I always see you go out with your friends or in cab."

I did not wanted him to know that I can drive but I can't afford a car yet. So I told him "Sure! Where are we going at least tell me that much so I would know what to wear."

He asked me "What would you like to eat?"

I honestly told him "I am not a picky eater so I am okay with anything. Just tell me the place so I will be ready accordingly."

He told me "How about Italian restaurant near our place? Have you been there? There food is good."

I had gone there once when it opened with Aria but after that I never went as it was expensive and I could not afford it.

I told him "Okay! I will be ready." He then disconnected the call and I was hell of nervous as to what he wanted to talk about.

All I could think of was 'Am I ready to move to a new place? Will I be able to live in a normal apartment?'

I know I may be sounding like a snob but I was brought up like a princess. I got everything I wanted and never had to work for it.

It was only after my father's death that I had come to face reality as to how difficult it is to earn money. But with Xavier's house and the food his cook made it was so much easier.

I need not worry about house expenses and all. But after we separate will I be able to manage all that on my own. At times like this I wish mom, dad or Aria were here.

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