Part 30

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A week passed by, we were back to our home like Xavier likes to call it. We have been staying low and private for the time being.

I suggested Xavier rather than having two wedding anniversary we should get married next year during our seventh year anniversary and he was okay with it. 

I was on my way to my cabin when at the reception a particular lady caught my attention. I went towards her and asked her "What the hell are you doing here?" She smilingly asked me "Still working for ex husband?"

Oliver immediately stood beside me, seeing him Aria asked "Oh found a new boy in the office I see. Anyways I am here to see Xavier."

I asked her in an angry voice "Why do you need to see him? You think after all you did to my family he will even want to see you?" 

Thank God there weren't many people or she could have created much bigger scene. She told me "We have a meeting schedule. You don't know who I am now or what I could do."

In walked two men, one was old and the other maybe in his late twenties or early thirties. They stood beside Aria and the younger man asked her "Any problem there sister?" 

I was shocked to hear that, what did he mean by sister? Did Bella married another man again? What are they planning now? Xavier came and greeted the older man "Welcome Mr. Albert. Its a pleasure meeting you." 

Mr. Albert was going to be our new client, Xavier told me about them last week. Xavier gave me a quick glance making sure I was okay.

Mr. Albert said to him "Its my pleasure meeting you Mr. Knight. I have heard so much about your work. Anyways meet my son Zain and daughter Aria." 

Xavier shook hands with Zain and asked Mr. Albert "How is she your daughter? Last time I checked she was Mr. Adams step daughter." 

Mr. Albert told him "Can we go up and talk?" He nodded and said "Sure! With us will be Blake my assistant and our assistant designer Ms. Brooklyn Adams. I am sure you might have heard about her."

They nodded and Xavier told me to follow them. Once everyone sat in the conference room Xavier asked Mr. Albert "How is Aria your daughter?" 

Mr. Albert told him "She is my blood daughter, Bella and I divorced due to some reason and without me knowing for so many years she raised Aria. I recently two years ago found about her and asked her to stay with me. She told me about you and her almost getting married. But due to accident you married the younger daughter."

Xavier nodded and said "Yes Bella forced the younger daughter to have the contract marriage for Mr. Adams company and all."

Mr. Albert asked him, making me shock "I heard you two are divorced why don't we make this business deal into a relationship?"

I saw Aria beaming happily, Zain guy too focused on his phone and Blake almost choke water, which he was sipping. 

Xavier showed his hand and told Mr. Albert "I would rather keep it just business as I am happily engaged and love my fiancee a lot."

Aria for the first time asked "When did that happen? Who is your fiancee? I read the news say that ring was not for the model but your mother, who is again marring your dad soon."

He told Aria in a pissed voice "That's because I had to make a cover up story, everyone knew about my parents divorce and now that they are again marrying it was an easy cover up. Anyways how are you alive? Last time I heard you died with Brooke's father?" 

She told him "With us was one of the maid, as the car burned everyone thought it was me but I was okay and was saved."

He again asked angrily "Then where were you? How come you just appear after four years into your father's life and then blackmail my wife to divorce me? Have you told your father what did you do? Does he know you and your mom are killers and killed someone for money." 

For the first time Zain guy said "I knew it, she was up to something. Told you dad but you never trust me."

Xavier asked again "What happened in this past years? After you disappeared for four years what were you up to? You thought Brooke was alone and tried to take advantage of her innocence. You think you are here on your own and would surprise me? All this is a set up Ms. Aria. Your mother is being arrested while we are talking. Let's see who opens their mouth first, mother or the daughter." 

Aria launched towards me screaming "I told you tell a sole and I will kill you. I just wanted to marry Xavier and have a happy life but no you had to take him away too. See now he has a fiancee and yet again you are alone." 

Zain stopped her and said "Your mother jumped off the building as she did not wanted to be arrested. She before jumping confessed and now the police are on their way to take you. If I were in your place, I wouldn't have thought about hurting Mrs. Knight. Am I correct Mrs. Knight?" 

The guy winked at me and I gave a confused look and Aria asked "What do you mean by Mrs. Knight?" Zain asked Xavier "You want to tell or should I?"  Xavier gave him a nod and the Zain guy continued.

"I had gone to the marriage registration office with a friend for some work, when I saw a man convincing the officer to return his divorce paper which he had submitted in the morning. But the officer was not listening and me being me, asked him the issue and then due to my profession was able to get his paper back. He when found my profession asked my help but in a legal way. Here I am done with the favor no. 2 he had asked for in a legal way. Anyways Mrs. Knight as your husband said you sure are a beauty, you are lucky Xavier. The way she looks at you is similar to the way Vic looks at me. She surely loves you a lot."

Xavier thanked him "Thanks man! Anyways Mr. Albert I am sorry to drag you into all this mess." While we were talking I saw a woman had entered and was holding Aria hostile.

Mr. Albert told Aria "You always instigated that Zain did illegal things and he would cause trouble but look at what you did. Were you just with us for money? From today you are no daughter of mine. I apologize Mrs. Knight for all the trouble she caused. I can never replace your father or bring him back but if someday I could be of any help, please do let me know."

He then turned towards Xavier and said "Our business deal is still on. I will take her to the police myself and contact you soon. Come Zain lets take her away before she destroys my name further." 

After they left, Blake excused himself and I asked Xavier "Did Bella actually commit suicide? When did you plan all this? Why did you not tell me? What does Zain do, I mean his profession?" 


Okay we are almost there, a part or two and we will be done. Next story should be of Zain and Vic or Xavier and Brooke's child?

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