Part 27

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It's been a week since I returned back and Xavier did not. I don't know but due to some work he had to stay back in NYC.

I was staying at my uncle's place and today being a weekend Will is in Vegas with Liam. I walked down around 10am, uncle saw me and asked me "When is Xavier returning back?"

That's so unusual of uncle. He wish me morning and ask me if I slept nicely and what will I eat.

But today as soon as he saw me he is asking about Xavier. I asked him confused "Uncle what is it? He will be back this week, not sure."

He showed me today's newspaper and said "He came back last night but not alone with someone."

I read the headline 'Mr. Knight' soon to be Mrs. Knight.' Then there was a picture of him and a model hugging outside airport. It read he was spotted last evening at LA's airport. He walked out of airport with the model and was talking to the model maybe saying goodbye, when from his jacket's pocket slipped a ring box and the model opened it and hugged him. Assumption are he has been dating the model since his divorce and planning to settle down with her soon.

I after reading this was so pissed, uncle saw me and asked "What do you plan to do about it?"

I told uncle "I am not sure, I will wait for him to tell me and pretend I know nothing about it."

Uncle nodded and said "If you ever need me, you know I am there. I can never replace your father but I will always be there to protect you like a father will."

I smiled and my phone rang it was Xavier and I excused myself to answer the call. After coming back to my room, I answered.

B: Hey!

X: Hey I came back last evening but I need to take care of few things. I will see you tomorrow in office?

B: Sure! You might be tired?

X: A bit! But I have to go to office now.

B: Want me to come? I don't have anything to do today.

X: No you just rest today. We will meet tomorrow.

B: Okay!

X: Did you have your breakfast?

B: No! I will go down now and see what is there to eat.

X: I wish I can make breakfast for you. But I am caught up with work. I am sorry.

B: No problem! I have to go now bye.

X: Bye baby! I love you.

The day passed by and all I did was binge watch something or the other the whole day.

Next morning again I read a news about Xavier and the model. They were spotted leaving his office and go to a club. I am so damn pissed with Xavier right now.

I texted Xavier "Don't you dare talk to me in office."

He replied back immediately "Okay! After office let's go out for dinner?"

B: I have to come back early, have things planned with aunt.

X: What things? Can I join you all for dinner? I want to see you and I miss you a lot.

B: No it's just me and aunt. We have to attend this ladies party or something.

X: Okay! Then after party come over to my place.

B: I have office next day and I plan to drink so will be tired.

X: Are you pissed off at me?

B: No why will I be? Bye gotta go.

X: Something is wrong but okay. I know you will tell me whatever it is.

I did not replied back. I went down and without eating left for office. All day I was upset and could not concentrate on my work or eat anything.

I again saw the model leaving Xavier's office. I immediately went home and cried. Why is Xavier cheating on me? If he wanted to cheat in the first place why did he even tell me he loved me. God I hate myself for loving him so much. It hurts a lot.

I was crying when I got Xavier's text.

X: You went back early today and did not even text me. I was looking for you everywhere. Emily told me you went early and did not look well. All okay?

B: All good just had a bit of cold. I ate a tub of ice cream last night.

X: You sure? Shall I come and make you a hot chocolate?

B: Stop acting Xavier. I hate you so much. I know you are cheating on me with that model. I even saw her today in your office, hugging you. She was all over you and you have been lying to me for God know how long. I don't want to see you or even talk. I will resign tomorrow and serve my notice period. Don't you dare ever talk to me. Just file those papers in real.

I immediately got a call from him and I turned off my phone, locked my room and cried.

Next day I actually handed over my resignation to Emily. She was sad but accepted it and wished I stayed back.

Xavier saw me but then turned and walked in the opposite direction. It hurt me more than he even cheating on me. It felt worse than the time I found out that Aria was my father's killer.

I was lost for a week, I could not concentrate on my work, life or anything. All I did was either walk like a zombie here and there or cry.


Xavier's POV:

I was so damn hurt because of Brooke, she instead of confronting me just accused me of cheating. Even after knowing how much I love her and how important she is to me.

I still wanting to try for her sake tried calling her, went to her uncle's place to see her but she ignored me, turned off her phone and locked herself in.

Next day I saw her in office, I wanted to shout at her, scold her but if I did it all in office she would have been more pissed.

Seeing her puffy eyes I knew she cried whole night. It hurt me more. I turned not able to look at her broken state and left from there.

Blake seeing me asked "Ssup bro? You don't look okay?"

I told him "Brooke thinks I am cheating on her because of all that the newspapers have printed and she is not talking to me."

Blake gave me a sad smile and asked "Want me to talk to her?"

I shook my head "No it is our problem and we will solve it on our own. Please look after her in the mean time." He nodded and we went back to work.

It's been a week, Blake came to my office and said "It's high time now you need to talk to Brooke. She is not eating properly, crying more and work, no one knows what is she doing. Everyone thinks she and I broke up and I have been trying to convince her to take me back and she is heartbroken. She has been ignoring everyone including herself."

I told him "I know! I saw how she is looking, this is so not her. I am planning to go and talk to her now. Whether she likes it or not."

He nodded and said "I will clear your schedule. You just call her up here to talk about work after you bring her here, kiss her until she is ready to talk."

I just smiled and went down to get my wife back. Without her beside me, I have not been able to sleep well for two weeks now.

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