Part 24

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A month passed by since Xavier and I started living together in NYC. We are like any regular married couple at home but in office he is a boss hard to deal with. 

Our morning start with Xavier waking me up after he is ready for office and the maid had set our breakfast on table. After our breakfast he leaves and I get ready for work.

He goes to office by 9:30 am whereas I reach by 10:30 am. Office is five minutes away, so I am using one of Kate's car which she has lend me until I am here. 

In office we are too busy and only meet at home for dinner after which we relax and talk about regular stuff. On weekends we mostly stay home or visit Kate or go to private places.

In this month I have realized that Xavier loves to stay home and do nothing when he actually wants to relax. So as I said most of our Sunday's we just lay in bed and do nothing, nothing as in just random talks while cuddling and that's it. 

Anyways here I was in office and today I was finally meeting with my team with Xavier for the first time to tell him about our plans and progress we have been making. My team here is good but two of them hate me as much as I know and have always tried to jeopardize my work. One of whom is the head designer of NYC company who is not happy working under me and other one is her assistant. 

I was with my team of ten people in conference room, this team including Sussi the head designer. As soon as Xavier entered with his assistant of NYC Ethan, I shook hand with him and said "Good Morning sir! I am Brooklyn Adams, I am here to assist the team for few months." 

He smiled and told me "It's a pleasure meeting you Ms. Adams. I have heard many praises about you from your colleague in LA. You sure are very talented, I have seen your work and I am sure you will be an asset for NYC company too." He purposely did that as I told him about Sussi hating me and doubting me. 

I thanked him and after everyone was settled I told him my business plan. "As New York fashion week is approaching, after using our resources from LA we were able to contact top few designers, models and Hollywood stars. I have convinced the designers that we will be using there dresses for the event, promised the models and stars about getting them the best dresses and manage there entire event. For that I have even called a team from LA, as in NYC no one has done anything so grand. This will help our PR and also bring highlight that we work with same efficiency as we do in LA. Sir the team here has managed and grabbed few local designer and models. After I am done with mine they will show what they have found." 

I turned on my Mac and started my presentation on the designer coming from LA, along with models, actors and actress. After which everyone showed their work which I had approved. 

It was now Xavier's turn to speak and he said "I am quiet impressed with all the work you people did. But you forgot about one thing." I asked him confused "What did we forget about?" 

He smilingly pointed towards himself and told us "I have to attend this event as I am invited too and I will be representing my company so you will have to plan for me too. What I will wear, with whom will I go and all." 

Before I could say Sussi asked him "Sir isn't it always the head of designer team who goes to represent?"

He nodded and told her "Yes I whenever attended this event, I took Emily with me when she was there, when she wasn't Blake went with me."

I told him "Sir I did not forget about it,. I have asked a famous designer from NYC to design clothes for you and the person who ever will be going with you. She is one of the renowned designer Ms. Kate Knight."

He smiled at me and said "Oh that's my sister, I never thought of using her for my business. That's an amazing idea Ms. Adam. I had a talk with Emily about who should accompany me and she told me to take you with me so please dress to impress. I have to leave now, see you all soon when you are ready with all your work."

With that he thanked us and left. Sussi angrily left behind him. Whereas as expected I got a message from my husband. I have saved his number as Husband on my phone, if someday someone ever sees it no one will know who is it.

H: You looked so beautiful today.

H: It was so difficult to not stare at you and look creepy.

H: You were as usual amazing and I am proud of you. Just two months and then we can go back after this event. I love you so much baby.

I replied back "I love you too and can't wait to go back."

His family matter was settled last week and now one of his eldest cousin is taking over in his place. He is happy to be out of this mess. The day it all finally settled down, Kate, him and I had a mini party at our place. They even invited few of their cousins who they got along with and also their maternal side cousins.

I was introduced as Xavier's girlfriend to others and was told that we are keeping it a secret for sometime. I got along with them and was happy.

We even went for a dinner with his parents to whom we told that we are still married to find out that his parents are again planning to marry and move to Miami as they love beaches for their after retirement life.

I just wish this two months pass by soon and we are back home as I love LA and miss my life there a lot.

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