Part 5

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Xavier's Pov: 

A year has passed since I was in NYC, I am almost done with my work and planning to leave after a month.

In this whole year I had talked to Brooklyn thrice once on her birthday, once mine and once during Christmas. I was happy to hear that she celebrated Christmas at her friends place and not alone. 

Last night I got a call from my house watchman that Brooklyn left with her bags. I immediately called her and after few rings she answered. 

B: Hello!

X: Hey! All okay? A guard called and told me you left with bags? 

B: Yes all good, just going on a office trip. 

X: Okay! I am coming back next month.

B: Okay! I am in a hurry, can I call you back later?

After that we disconnected the call and we never talked and she never returned back. 

I came home a month later and found a note she had left "Hey Xavier by the time you come back I will be gone. I don't want you to worry about me. I am good and safe, I have signed the divorce paper. I think it's time for me to move on. Thanks for everything and don't worry about me now." 

I am not sure about this letter, if she wanted she could have told me that day on phone. I was open about everything, I told her if she finds someone I will help her, then why did she leave? Is she is trouble. 

The only person I could think of was Neil, I tried calling him but he did not answered. I think maybe its Sunday so he is at home and sleeping so I went to his place and rang the bell. 

The door opened and there stood a lady in Neil's t-shirt, God when will my friend stop being a Casanova.

She asked me "Who are you?" The audacity she has. I angrily asked her "Who are you? Where is Neil? What are you doing at his place?" 

She replied "I am his wife! Now you tell me who are you?" I gave her a are you serious look and told her "You can fool anyone but not me. Now tell me honestly where is Neil and why are you at his place?"

She showed me their wedding picture, her ring and told me "I am his wife, see our wedding picture. Why will I lie about it?"

I angrily asked her "How can he marry without telling me? A week ago we met in New York yet he did not tell me anything about it. What is wrong with him?"

She asked me "Are you Xavier?" I nodded and she told me "I heard about you when you met in New York, come in."

I came in and sat on a couch. She asked me "You want something?" I shook my head and she sat on the opposite side.

She told me "He wanted to tell you that day but then Alex called and he had to hurry back because of some work. He told me about you on our way back to LA. You look worried and trying to contact Neil all okay?"

I asked her now calmly "May I at least know who my fool of a best friend married? I was gone for a year and here he is already married."

She introduced herself "I am Chole Lopez! We started dating few months back and just weeks ago got married."

I smiled for the first time, finally he got what he wanted and said "I am so happy for that fool! He finally got his Co-co, I have heard about you from him in the past."

She smiled and asked me "Now will you tell me what happened?" 

I told her "I tried calling Neil but he is not answering. I had an arrange marriage five years ago. We were just mere acquaintance for all this years. A year ago when I left, she said she want's to stay here. We never talked much or ever contacted each other. A month ago I got a call from my guard that she left with bags. I called her where she went to confirm if she was leaving me or what. But she said she was going on an office trip. Today I came back and found a note she left me and did not wanted me to worry about her. I need to find her! Its not like I love her or anything but she is my responsibility, specially when she has no family. Neil is the only closest person to me, I am not so open to anyone other than him. You are his wife meaning my little sister so I can easily trust you and tell you anything."

I told him "We will find her! I will call Neil."

She called Neil and he answered immediately.

N: Are you okay?

C: I am okay but Xavier is here and he is not okay. His wife left and he is too worried.

N: What? Tell him to wait, I will be there in thirty minutes.

She disconnected the call and told me "He is coming in few minutes. Can I ask you something?"

I nodded and said "Anything!" She asked me "Maybe your wife could have left with someone as you said you were just mere acquaintance. Why are you so worried?"

He told me "I had told her, if she find someone I will let her go without any problem. But I don't know why but I feel she is in some trouble or had some misunderstanding. I am worried because of my line of business. What if my enemies found out she is my wife and try to hurt her. I can't let anyone get hurt because of me."

I asked him "What is your business? Why will your enemy hurt you?" 

I told her "I am supposed to takeover my families business, which I don't want to take over but most of my cousins don't believe it. The whole year I was expanding my business which I have started on my own in New York but my cousins think I was there to takeover. My grandfather has stated in his will as soon as I give him a heir the company will be mine. My family knows I have a wife and they may try to harm her. I don't know what to do."

She tried to comfort me until Neil came but still I was worried until I know about Brooklyn's whereabouts. 

An hour later Neil came and I scolded him "Who works on a Sunday and why were you not answering my calls?" 

Neil told me "I was with a client." I angrily asked him "Then why did you answer Chole's call?" 

Chole chuckled and commented "Possessive!" I rolled my eyes and Neil screamed back at me "She is pregnant and she can need me anytime, are you pregnant too for being so needy?" 

I was shocked and asked him "What the hell man? First you never told me you were going to rehab and I found that in New York. I was okay with it but now I just found out you are married and going to be a dad. Wasn't I suppose to know all this before hand? I am so pissed at you right now."

Chole was laughing like a maniac, she laughingly said "I am not sure if I should be happy with your friendship or jealous. You fight like old married couples." 

After calming down I asked Neil about Brooklyn.

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