Part 28

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Xavier's POV:

I called on Brooke's cell but she did not answer. I knew if I told Blake to call her, he may try to persuade her. So I myself went to meet her.

As I went towards her department, some kind of commotion was going on there.

I asked one of them "What is going on here?" He looked shocked to see me but told me "One of the employee fainted just now and is being rushed to hospital in ambulance."

I was shocked to hear about it and enquired "Who was it? And what happened?"

The words he said turned my world upside down. "Brooklyn Adams! Don't know what happened, she got up and next minute we saw her on the floor and blood around her. Emily also went with her along with Oliver to hospital."

I rushed and called Oliver her bodyguard. He immediately answered "Sir I was about to call you after ma'am was in hospital. She fainted, her pulse are low and she has low sugar. She will be kept under observation for a day. We are heading towards City hospital."

I went to my room, took my car key and on the way informed Blake about her. I told him to inform her family as I am sure Will and uncle will kill me today. I had promised them I will solve the matter before it hurts us any further and here she is in hospital.

As soon as I was there, Emily was shocked to see me. She asked me "What are you doing here? I had it under control."

Before I could reply doctor came out and said "Is there anyone from her family? She needs an urgent surgery. She had a miscarriage."

I was shocked, she was pregnant? I told him "What do you mean by miscarriage? I am her husband."

He told me "She is about 11 weeks pregnant, I guess she did not knew about it as I saw traces of alcohol and she is also under weight."

I asked him "Is she fine? Will it harm her?" He shook his head and said "There is nothing to worry about, but I don't know after she wakes up how will she take the news."

I told him "I don't want her to know until she is completely fine." He nodded and asked me to sign few papers.

After about 30 minutes her uncle, aunt and Will came. Will asked me what had happened and after I told them they were heartbroken. Aunt told us she has been drinking every night and knew nothing about pregnancy.

I cried because of my stupid surprise plan we lost our baby. If I had cleared all the misunderstanding on the day I had arrived and the first article was released nothing would have happened to her.

Two hours later we were allowed to meet her. I stayed out while others went to meet her. She looked weak and just nodded or shook head to whatever others said. When doctor said it was time to leave and only one person can stay with her she finally said something "Where is Xavier?"

Will told her "Since you have been here, he is standing outside your room watching from distance. He is not sure whether you want to see him or not. He is afraid to lose you Brooke, just talk to him once. He deserves a chance to explain. I think it will be best for him to stay with you, as I am sure even if one of us stay here he will just stay the whole night outside your room."

I heard her call me "Xavier please come in." As soon as I went in, I saw her head bandaged as due to fainting and falling she got hurt by the table. She looked so weak and fragile, she was not like this even during her father's death.

I hugged her immediately and apologized "Sorry baby I hurt you. I am such a fool."

She said in a low weak voice "It's okay! I am sorry you have to see me like this. I know more than me you are hurting."

I just wipped her tears and others after telling both of us to take care left.

I slipped beside her on her hospital bed, hugged her tightly and cuddled. I told her "I am never leaving you alone ever. Look what happened when we were away. God I so hate myself."

She told me "But it was my mistake Xavier. I should have not been like this. I am sorry, please don't blame yourself. Anyways what happened to my stomach? Why does it feel like they did something there?"

By now I had tears and told her "Baby we lost our baby, you were under weight and were eleven weeks pregnant."

She cried profusely after that, I had to ask the doctor to sedate her to calm her down. God I hate to see her like this.

Next morning when she woke up, she was not talking to anyone again. Everyone who had come to meet her tried talking to which she just nodded or shook her head.

When we were alone I heard her say "It's my mistake we lost our child. I did not even know I was pregnant and kept drinking the whole week. God I am such a bad mother. I could not protect my child when it was in my womb, how will I ever protect a child when he will be out."

I sat beside her and hugged her. I calmed her "You did not knew baby or else you would have never drank. We have always used protection so it was not possible for you to know that accidentally you can be pregnant. Please don't blame yourself, you will be the best mom our kids will ever have. We have our whole life to have kids but right now you have to stay healthy and gain few pounds. You can't be this weak."

She still in my arms, snuggled close to me and whispered "Please don't ever leave me, I don't know what to do without you Xavier. I love you so much."

I told her "I love you too. I can't ever leave you, this whole week away from you were the worst days of my life. Looking at your puffy eyes every morning in the office broke my heart. Not being able to hug you or kiss that tears away hurt."

She still crying said "I am such a fool, I should have always trusted you. I am sorry."

I pecked her "Long forgiven. I can't stay angry on you for more than a minute. I was just hurt that you did not trust me, but I should have explained to you about the article the day it was realised. I am also at fault here. So from today no more thinking about the past week ever. All we will be thinking about is our happy memories."

She finally gave me a small smile. I am happy rather than going into depression like doctor said could be a possibility, she is talking. I am happy atleast she is not ignoring me anymore.

Happily Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now