Part 19

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I came to my office and kept my bags. I called my assistant cum bodyguard "Hey Carlos can you please see if Emily is in her office and free. I would like to meet her, can you inform her?" 

He replied "On the way to do it Ms. Adams." I rolled my eyes and told him "How many times have I told you to call me Brooke, Ms. Adams makes me look old." He chuckled and said "I don't want to lose my job by being friendly with you."

I laughed at this, God Xavier surely is so possessive "You won't and don't worry about Xavier, he won't fire you." 

He told me "I have reached Mrs. Emily's office will call you right back." He disconnected the call and I texted Xavier "Hey reached office and getting back to work, text when you reach airport." 

I got a call from Carlos and answered it "Mrs. Emily said you can visit her now." I told him "Okay thanks, please in the mean time look into blue file I have left on my table." 

After that I disconnected the call and made my way towards Emily's room. I knocked on her door and heard "Come in!" 

I went in, as soon as she saw me, she stood up, I hugged her and said "Its so good to have you back Emily, I missed you." 

She pulled away and said "Likewise Ms. Workaholic. Why did you not visit me much? And what are things I am hearing about you?" 

I asked her confused "What about me? I was busy in office and whenever had time would spend with my uncle and aunt's family who I recently reconnected with." 

She sat down in her chair and I sat on the other side, she told me "I heard good and bad things, good was you were doing pretty amazing job and had everything under control, you never failed in any of the assignments and you certainly better than me. Bad things were you always over worked, recently you have been slacking behind and you are dating a married man Blake." 

I laughed at the last part and told her "He is my friend and I know he is married, why will I date him? Those are just rumors as many do not know he is married. Second I just need time as I am reconnecting with my family hence slacking behind and earlier I had no one so always used to over work." 

She smiled and said "I don't have any complaints and before you came I asked everyone about your performance and they said you are good. I am really proud of you Brooke. See I told you, you are meant for this job." 

I thanked her "It's all thanks to you Emily or I would have never been here." She smiled and said "I just referred, rest was all your doing girl. I met Xavier the company's owner and he is quiet impressed with your work. I told him you would take care of NYC company but now that you have reconnected with your family can you still do it?" 

I told her "Emily I will do it but can you give me two weeks time? I don't want you to tell anyone yet please not even Mr. Knight." I hope I sounded professional there and not suspicious. She nodded and said "Whatever you want. I am happy that you are willing, anyways I know its your birthday on Friday do you want a day off like every year?" 

I nodded and told her "Yes! I have to visit my parents and then my uncle, aunt and cousin maybe expecting me to stay with them." 

She apologized "Sorry last year you had to work as I was not there." I shook my head and told her "It is okay, I only worked for half day and then left. Anyways I have some work left, I will finish it off before I leave for NYC. I will talk to HR about my relocation bonus and all, you don't need to worry about all this minor things. I am now very much equipped with the way things work here." 

She had tears in her eyes and said "God you grew up so fast, it feels like I am seeing my daughter grow. Please ignore me, this are all post pregnancy mood swings. Anyways still single or found someone?" 

I smiled and told her "Its complicated!" She laughed and asked me "What does that mean? Why are you smiling if it is complicated?" 

I told her "Its just we are happy with each other but we have external force pulling us apart. We are keeping it a secret." She asked me "Whose the lucky guy? Why a secret? Is he one of our model or famous actor or something like that?" 

I shook my head and said "Just someone everyone knows and probably would love to gossip about. So we plan to keep it a secret until we can." 

She nodded and said "Okay then if you ever need me, you know where to find me. Anyways I am happy for you and congratulation on the relationship. Will he be okay with you going to New York?" 

I nodded and told her "He will be okay." She smiled and after talking for a bit about her daughter, I left and went back to work.

Okay so I probably plan to surprise Xavier on our sixth wedding anniversary on next Friday. This will be the first time we will be celebrating our anniversary, I am so excited. 

I checked my phone and there was a message from Xavier five minutes ago "Boarded the plane, text you as soon as I reach. Don't want to disturb you during your work hours. Have to check few files myself so probably will end up working for another five to six hours." 

I replied back "Have a safe journey. Don't overwork, take rest and don't you dare skip meals. Already missing you :((" 

I then started working for next few hours, at around 8 Carlos knocked and entered. He asked me "Are you done? Or will be staying longer?" I looked at my watch and told me "Give me five minutes I will wrap it up. I am sorry I was lost in work and did not see the time." 

He told me "It is completely fine, I too did not have anything better to do today." He helped me pack and dropped me home. 

I had two bodyguards one is Carlos, he is with me in office. He picks and drops me everyday unless Xavier or Will decides to do so. Then the other is Oliver, he stays beside our house and takes me anywhere I have to go other than office. I have gotten used to both of them and they being friendly is the plus point. With them it is mostly like hanging out with a friend rather than a stubborn bodyguard. Xavier selected both of them personally for me, I will have to ask him how did he end of selecting them but I am liking his choices. 

I texted Xavier when I reach home "Hey I am home, call me whenever free. Nothing important, just want to hear your voice. Am I being clingy?" 

A minute later I got his reply "Just landed! Why did you stay till so late at office? I am missing you more and I am liking your clinginess. I may start to act more clingy then you soon. Will call you after reaching home. In an hour or two." 

Until he called, we kept texting each other even while we freshen up and had dinner. 

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