Part 29

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We were back home and Xavier is staying with me at my uncle's place. He ordered me to stay home for a week and rest and so did he.

He worked from home and only went twice to office for meeting. Only Emily found about us and told Xavier she will keep it a secret.

I was laying on our bed and Xavier was busy working. I kept looking at him and he while still looking at his Mac screen said "Baby if you don't stop staring then I will never be able to complete my work."

I with a puppy dog face replied "But I am bored." He kept his Mac aside and asked me "So what do you want to do? Want to go to the Italian restaurant we went years ago when I wanted to congratulate you on being a graduate."

I nodded and said "I would love that. I haven't been outside of home since I came back from hospital."

He pecked and said "Because you needed rest. Anyways you are going back to office tomorrow."

I nodded and said "Yes and today is Sunday and look at you working."

He smiled "Now I am not, come on get ready we will leave when you are ready."

After thirty minutes I was ready. I came down to see him ready and talking to uncle. I asked them "What are you two talking about?"

Xavier got up and said "I was telling uncle we are going out and asking his permission for the same."

I nodded and uncle told me "I will see you two tomorrow morning. Enjoy your night."

After we came out I asked him "Why do you need permission from uncle to go out? Aren't you allowed to take your wife out without asking."

We sat in his car and he while driving said "That's because we are staying at his place and we need to ask him before going out. What if he and aunt might have planned something."

I rolled my eyes and commented "Will and I never asked, we just informed them that to last moment."

He looked at me and said "That's bad baby. When we stay with family we have to think about others too. And here they are my in laws so I have to be extra cautious."

I just laughed and all the way we kept talking about random things. I was finally happy that I had Xavier back.

At restaurant we ordered coke and pasta. Xavier told me if I wanted wine I can have that but I declined. When the waiter left with our orders Xavier asked me "I have been meaning to ask you something for a really long time now, can I ask now?"

I asked back "Are you going back to NYC? Why do we come here whenever you have something to tell me?"

He just chuckled and said "No I am not leaving and I like this place and it's food and so do you."

I nodded and told me "That's true! What is it that you want to ask?"

He said "Baby the reason I stayed back in NYC was to stay with my family and give you sometime with your family as I know you would have wanted to spend time with them as well as me. So I stayed and planned something for you when I come back. I was planning a surprise for you but it turned out I am bad at it and screwed it up completely."

He then removed a box of ring from his pocket and sat on his knee "Brooklyn Xavier Knight be mine official. Let's get married official. I love you a lot."

I stood up and hugged him tight, he stood up and whispered "Is it a yes? No pressure?"

I pulled away and told him "I want to know what happened with that surprise plan but it is a yes always."

He slipped the ring and kissed me. Now I realized he had planned this meeting too. We are in a private area, now it's just the two of us.

After we sat down, few minutes later our food was served. Xavier while eating explained "The day I returned back I met my school friend Maze, she was one of my closet friend in school. We talked a bit inside and found out she was a model. I removed my phone from my pocket to save her number when the ring box felt. I bend down to pick it up, when I saw pictures being clicked."

I asked him "Why were you carrying the ring in your pocket? What if you might have lost it?"

He shushed me and continued "Anyways after that Maze picked it up before me and opened it. The stone was damaged and I was upset as I had it specially designed for you. Next day Maze took me to a jeweler to get it repaired after which I dropped her to the club. She was meeting one of our old friend, so I went in with her just to greet her. After talking for 10 minutes I left. The next day in office Maze brought back the ring as I was busy with work. I was planning to meet and tell you about her that night. I am sorry I did not tell you as soon as it was in newspaper."

I told him "We had promised we will not apologize for it ever so don't worry. I am happy to know that you thought so much for me. I loved the ring a lot. It is simple just like I love but beautiful."

He was done eating and pecked my lips. He asked me "So when do you plan to make it public?"

I asked him "Aren't we in a public place? I am sure someone might have definitely clicked a picture of you on your knees."

He shook his head and told me "No one was allowed to do so. Hence we are in a private table."

I nodded and he asked me "Want to go back to our home? I like it at your uncle's place but it is away from office."

I nodded and told him "We can move whenever you want. I know you won't have sex until we are at their place and I am a woman of need."

He laughed and asked me "When did you get so bold? In starting you were this small innocent shy girl but look at you now."

I told him "When we are at uncle's place you don't even make out with me, we don't cuddle on couch and watch television and aunt does not even let you cook. I miss my personal chef. I love it when after sex you cook something for me as I am too hungry and tried and every morning before office wake me up with kisses and carry me out for breakfast. We don't do all that here. You are totally different then when you are alone. I miss my romantic husband, here all you do is work, talk to uncle, aunt and Will. Have family movie night, dinner, breakfast and all. I don't like you here."

He kissed me and told me "I want them to trust me and like me. They are your only family and I plan to stay in their good books. We have been business rivals but now for you I never want that rivalry to ever come in between. For me people around you matter a lot."

After talking some more, we went back home. Finally tonight we had a make out session and he promised more when we go back to our home.

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