Part 15

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At around 4:30 pm I woke up and saw my handsome man sleeping beside me on the couch. I took my phone from bedside and clicked his picture. He looked so cute. I forgot he was still holding me, he hissed "Why are you moving so much?" 

I chuckled and told him "Nothing! Wake up we have to go out, Will is proposing Liam and I need to be there for him. I will text and ask him where they are." 

He still not letting me go say "Few more minutes please." I shook my head while texting "Please wake up now we have whole night to sleep after we come back please. For the first time I will not have FOMO." 

He opened his eyes and asked me confused "What is FOMO?" 

I gave him are you from this planet look and told him "FOMO is fear of missing out! God are you even from this planet? Who does not know FOMO?" 

He pointed towards himself and asked me "Why were you missing out when you were with your favorite people?" 

I told him "Because all of them had someone with them always and here I was always single. No one to hug, kiss or tease like them."

He nodded and told me "But now you have me and you are not going to get rid of me ever." I smiled and checked for Will's reply and told him "They are at the shopping mall and will go the place Will and I had planned in an hour, come on get up it will take 30 minutes to reach there"

He nodded and told me "Okay! But only this time as Will had helped us too." I asked him confused "When did Will help us? I mean yes he used to talk to me and encourage about giving you a chance but how did he help you?" 

He told me "Remember when I came to your house with Neil and Chole and you were mean to me?" I nodded and apologized "I am sorry for that day! By now you know how I am, without thinking I say out things not knowing it will hurt." 

He nodded and told me "Anyways when I went out I planned to give up on you but Will heard me and told me not to and that you do like me but are dumb to not know that." 

I hit him on his shoulder for calling me dumb and got out of couch and told him "Okay then Ms. Dumbo's boyfriend get up and get ready." 

He laughed and asked me "I never said I am your boyfriend. Are you by any chance proposing me?" I rolled my eyes and told him "Okay then if you are not my boyfriend I am pretty much single and ready to mingle. How about my friend, we go to a club and find someone for me?" 

He got up and kissed me before saying "Don't even think about it. You are my wife and will always be it whether we are divorced or not. Got it?" 

I nodded and went to freshen up. He was sitting out doing something on his phone. Maybe working like he always do whenever he get time. 

I kept thinking what did he meant by divorce or not. I got ready and went out to make coffee for us while he got ready. 

When he was out I handed him his cup and asked him "Xav! What did you mean by divorced or not?" 

He told me "Stop stressing your small brain baby!" I hit him on his shoulder and told him "My brain is much bigger than you fool and now before I lose my temper tell me what you meant by it. Knowing you I am damn sure you did something yet again without telling me." 

He gave me a sly smile "You are funny even when you are angry but yes you are right and sorry in advance." 

While taking the last sip I asked him "So what is it this time? Like I said I will understand before hitting you."

He smiled and said "My wife is surely a violent person! Anyways I may have withdrawn the divorce paper without telling anyone, but let Blake release the news of divorce as it was supposed to be." 

I gave him a disbelief look and asked him "Why did you do that now?" He told me "Lets leave now, I will explain everything on the way." 

I nodded and we both locked the house and sat in the car. I told him the place and he entered it in the cars GPS before starting to drive. After we were out of the gate I asked him "Now will you explain?" 

He told me "I thought you were upset about us getting divorced and did the only thing I could think of. Last night I actually understood why you were pissed and came here as soon as possible to clear this all. I am sorry if I pissed you! No one except my lawyer knows we are still married. Not even Blake, he too thinks we are divorced."

I smiled and told him "You really are fool! Its okay, I am happy that we are still together but please next time don't you dare take any big decision without asking or informing me."

He asked me "You want to tell others?" I shook my head and told him "Lets get to know each other, date and then marry like you had planned. I had a dream wedding plan so for others we will have my type of wedding when we are ready to reveal it in public. Till then we will only let people that matter know that we are not divorced like Will, my friend, uncle, aunt, Blake, Neil and Chole and if you want your parents and sister." 

He nodded and told me "Okay we will tell your friends today and tomorrow evening I will come with you to LA, we can tell your uncle and aunt and on Monday we will tell Blake, Neil and Chole what say?" 

I nodded and told him "Okay! What about your family?" He told me "I am not ready to tell my parents yet but will tell my sister, she was pissed to hear about our divorce. She surely likes you."

I smiled and we talked about ways of telling others. As soon as we reached the place, we saw no one there but a beautiful set up. I called Will to ask when will they come.

B: Hey Will! Where are you all? When are you coming?

W: Before I could do it Liam popped the question and we are engaged. I wanted you to have a amazing date so enjoy your date. See you in evening at the bar. Bye.

Before I could ask him how all that happened he disconnected the call. My phone was on speaker and I heard Xavier laugh and said "Looks like our first everything will be planned by others. Our first marriage and now our first date."

I told him "I suggested this place to him and this set up and everything is my idea. I along with Lily and Victor were supposed to stand behind that tree and click pictures of them when Will was going to propose. Look that table there from there you can easily see sunset, its like the most beautiful and romantic place of Vegas."

He smiled and said "Then my beautiful wife had planned our first date. I am so happy to see that in our relationship you are in charge of everything." I hit him again on his shoulder. 

He hissed in pain and said "I am forever going to face domestic violence from my beautiful wife." I again tried to hit him but before I could do it, he ran and I ran behind him. Thank God I wore my sneakers rather than heels. 

After few minutes of running and laughing, I was tried and sat on the table where there was juice, water and food. Xavier sat beside me and we enjoyed our date.

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