Chapter 72: Hot Topic

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⚠️The content below is intended for an 18+ audience🔞

Park Jin-young's manager was still trying to persuade him into going to the shoot. At this moment in time, Jin-young had finally finished his workout. Beads of sweat slid down his bronze-colored skin. Looking at his testosterone-fueled body paired with his tough and handsome looks, it was clear to see how he managed to get famous so quickly.

However, his personality...his manager didn't know what else to say. Although he was also angered by Y/N, he didn't feel it was necessary to delay one's work for the sake of punishing another. However, this was the type of person Jin-young was.

"Let's go then, let's go to the shoot," he acted like he was being extremely generous as he wiped off his sweat.

"Great, I'll go get the car. You can get changed on the way," his manager felt a sense of relief as he quickly went to retrieve his car from the parking lot. Jin-young looked exhausted the entire way. Even when they reached the resort, he did not appear like he would recover his energy anytime soon. This made his manager a bit worried.

"Your fans are all awaiting the highlights from this shoot. Have a quick nap so you can show your most perfect self to the cameras."

"In the whole of Seoul, how many others are as handsome as I am?" he scoffed before crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a rest.

Presumably, he seemed to think his appearance was a gift sent from the heavens to save the film crew.

Not long after, their car turned into the resort. However, they were surprised to find the crew were already packing up. The manager thought it was because Jin-young couldn't make an appearance that the director had no choice but to postpone the shoot. So, he looked around for LM's representative. He ended up making a phone call to the representative, who at this time, had already reported back at the office. The representative told him LM would directly contact Jin-young's agency for a chat.

His manager placed one hand on his hip and tried to explain over the phone, "Jin-young was indeed unwell, yet he still came all the way here. Didn't he make it here in the end?"

However, the man was no longer in the mood to talk to him, so he directly hung up the phone.

The manager helplessly grabbed onto a staff who was packing up, "Where is the representative from LM? Our Jin-young has arrived..."

The staff peeked at the man sitting inside the car and replied, "The commercial has already finished shooting."

After hearing the staff's reply, Jin-young's manager was surprised as he scrunched up his forehead, "What do you mean by this? The male lead hasn't even arrived, how could the shoot be over?"

"The director replaced the male lead and the shoot went smoothly. So we are packing up half a day earlier than scheduled." After speaking the staff left the resort with the props, leaving the manager standing there all alone; he wasn't impressed.

Never would he have imagined - LM, the director and Y/N - all had the guts to replace Park Jin-young. How dare they!

The manager trembled in anger as he returned to the car. He grabbed onto the steering wheel for quite some time without saying a word. Eventually, the actor sensed a change in his mood as he asked with his eyes still closed, "When will the shoot start?"

"It's finished!" his manager replied frustratedly.

"What do you mean?" Jin-young forced open his eyes as he asked in an agitated manner.

"You were replaced and the commercial was completed."

"Do they fucking know who I am? How dare they replace me?" Jin-young was young and arrogant, so swear words came flying out of his mouth. He clenched his right fist and punched it against the back of the driver's seat, "Who did they replace me with? Don't they want to survive in this industry anymore?"

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