Chapter 46: Thank You

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Y/N continued to receive invites from multiple companies, and as usual, she continued to decline them by saying she was resting. Her response to most companies was polite, except for one. In response to one particular company, she instructed Mina to give them a name and thank them for personally inviting Y/N there for an interview.

After hearing this, the editor of the magazine immediately went to investigate the name he was given. It turned out the bastard had invited Y/N to be a nude model!

"You don't need to work here anymore, get lost! At that time, we were indeed trying to avoid being implicated by the bed-climbing incident so we declined working with Y/N, but it was bad enough that we canceled the contract, you even wanted to make her a nude model? What did I say at the time? I told you to stay away from her, yet what stupid thing did you do?"

"Editor...I was wrong..." the man was taken aback. He didn't expect karma to hit him so quickly.

"Hurry and get lost...her assistant already remembers your name, do you think you can still survive in this industry?"

Because of the incident that recently happened, everyone in the magazine industry was in awe of Y/N.

To be able to climb out of a situation like the bed-climbing scandal, how could a normal person do that?


5pm. Hannam Hill.

Jimin was still in the early stages of his sickness as he sat in the study room dealing with some important business. Lu Che arrived from the office with some documents. They were records of Lim Yu's whereabouts over the past month; the records were extremely detailed. It seemed Lu Che had put in a lot of effort to get this information. Of course, the information JinHit wanted was confidential and no one knew about it.

"Have you guys finished?" Y/N pushed open the door and asked as she pointed to her watch.

"You've come just in time, come here," Jimin waved her over. After she arrived by his side, he pulled her into his arms and showed her the information on his laptop, "This old artist has supported 4 models in the last month. Amongst them is a model from HYPE."

Y/N looked at the extremely detailed report and scrunched up her eyebrows, "Jerk."

"No matter what, with this report, we can clearly prove your innocence."

"President Park, you can really find out everything," Y/N was a little surprised. She turned her head and looked at Jimin in disbelief, "Don't tell me you've hired the police to be your paparazzi?"

"This old sleazebag has gotten used to sleeping around; he isn't very discreet. If I want to investigate him, it's not hard, I just need to waste a bit of time."

Y/N browsed through the information and looked at the names of all the models that were involved. She was quite surprised, but of course, she couldn't reveal everything. By revealing it, she would prove her innocence, but...she would also implicate all these other models.

She couldn't do that because she would be making too many enemies and creating too many hidden dangers for herself. Plus, the models involved had never done anything bad to her, so she only needed to target a few specific people.

"This report came too late," Jimin was actually heartbroken that he hadn't presented this report back when Y/N was being defamed, making her go through so much pain and suffering.

Y/N was dumbfounded for a moment before shaking her head, "It's never too late for the truth."

"The bed-climbing scandal was started by Kim Yoona, however, the huge number of anti-fans and marketing around the scandal was created by people at HYPE. The manager, Kim Jennie, really has her methods," Y/N was aware she had stepped on someone's toes.

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