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A fact about Jeongguk is that he lacks of sleep. In fact, he's never trurly fallen asleep ever since he's gotten the title of a king. And as sad as it sounds, it was true. 

His eyes would remain closed, but his body would never be shut. It's because if he does fall asleep, he will be able to hear, feel, and see everyone else's nightmares all at once. Everyone's.

Being King of the Kingdom of Nightmares is a punishment from the Heavens, not a gift. Controlling the Kingdom is simple, but being a part of it is hell. If he falls asleep, he will be instantly transported to this kingdom, surrounded by clouds and nothing else, and filled with nightmares. So as long as Taehyung doesn't find out about it, he'll be fine. It's his grief to bear and does not wish to share it with anyone, as if he's afraid to not share it in a way. As if, if he would say it to anyone, the person would suffer by his same grief. 

So they were taking a short sleep, where Jeongguk was starring at the ceiling, waitinng for Taehyung to numble back an utter. They began lazily talking to each other after waking up from a short nap, snuggled in each other with their gazes fixed on the ceiling.

"Was this your first time having sex with a man?" Taehyung inquired, his chest moving in unison with Jeongguk's, his pillow.

"Yeah," he hummed, running his fingers up and down his naked spine, which was covered by a thin sheet to his weiss. "I was afraid of hurting you excessively as I'd never had it before."

"It's a good ache." Taehyung chuckled "Jeongguk, I understand. I was frightened of not being as pleasing as a woman."

"Hey no no," he pouted, cupping his cheek and looking up at him, "no such thing, hear me?"

Taehyung noted that when he was younger, he spent a lot of time with his mother visiting other castles. That's how one of the castle's royals decided to pay a return visit one day. And, well, they had a son the same age as Taehyung, it was late at night, and they were desperate for a quick sex, so Taehyung dumped his virginity to someone he never saw again. He recalls whining and crying to Hoseok, regretting his foolishness.

"It's perfectly alright, Gguk," he said as he snuggled down on his bare chest, his hand resting on his abs. "I haven't been in any...well, I haven't had any sexual contact in many winters, because I was young, foolish, and had long hair."

"I might not have been there when it was your first, but I'm here now, you know?" Jeongguk moved his legs slightly, enttangling their legs as their feet touched lightly. "Though, long hair sounds interesting," Jeongguk chuckled, resting his head on the bed frame, "I've had hair long to my shoulders once when I was young, tired, and in five stages of denial to be a King."

"Having long hair was a rule for royals. I learned in the academy that royals from centuries ago wore their hair long down their waists, just like women. Despite being designed differently, Hey! Jeongguk, what are you laughing about?" As he heard the other burst of laughter, he stood up on his elbow. He laughed despite hitting his chest.

"I started picturing you and me with long hair." Meanwhile, he smiled silly and frowned his brows. ''What? "It feels good to laugh, doesn't it?"

''You're smiling with your bunny teeth.'' Taehyung waved his point finger towards his mouth, ''Too widely.''

"Simply lie down." He kept laughing and messed up the other person's hair.

"I'd like to have blond hair," he whispered, almost amazed as he stared around the room. "As well as blue eyes. Yes, as blue as the sea and as golden as gold."

"You already have lovely emerald eyes, don't you?" Jeongguk murmured, "It's unusual to be a brunette with light eyes."

"I'm just wondering...would it be possible if, after all, I found a way to DIY my hair?" He then drew back to pull the covers even tighter because they were completely naked and the night was cold.

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