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Kissing, what the hell is even that?

Whatever it was, Jeongguk was dying for his lips to meet Taehyung's and feel what meant to be kissing with exactly Kim Taehyung, the one and only.

Taehyung's hands were moving on their own, running up Jeongguk's arms to his face, cupping his cheecks as softly and gently as possible. Surprisingly, Jeongguk did not push him away, nor did he intend to.

''I really am going to kiss you.'' He whispered again, his thumb brushing against the other's lips. He wanted to make sure they were doing everything on purpose, so there would be no major regrets later on.

''I know, Taehyung.'' His hands were steady on his waist, looking up at him (but not so high that his neck would hurt) with lust in both of their eyes, as if he was going to let Taehyung kiss him. He groaned quietly, as he was the first to bring their lips together. Every hesitation to do so vanished almost instantly, if not immediately at all. It wasn't a quick kiss, just their lips touching or a peck. It was passionate.

Jeongguk's hand continued to run up and down his spine, predicting that his movements were causing him to shiver. Taehyung's fingers were cupping his cheecks, and one of his hands was sneakily wrapped around his neck, massaging his nerves. Each time their lips moved together, their tense feelings dissipated.


The taste of Taehyung's lips on him is so unbelievable that Jeongguk forgets how to breathe for a moment.

And he hadn't expected feeling this way. It's only a kiss, and it's not even his first. Why was his breath so easily taken away? He felt this sensation in his stomach, not butterflies, but excitement and lust, like gasoline.

Jeongguk took advantage of their closed eyes by tilting his head to the side, allowing him to turn their kiss into a more sloppy one involving tongues.

A sigh entered the air, both of them too hypnotized to notice who made it. Taehyung let out a humming sound after hearing Jeongguk chuckle in their kiss.

They drew back for a split second and shifted their gaze to the opposite side, which they were already familiar with. They're close enough that they've kissed before, but it was at their wedding (and even minutes before that).

Taehyung as well hasn't felt like this before. It was also not his first kiss.

The heat, the passion, their bodies slowly moving together while making out, the sinful sounds coming from both of them. It was heart-stopping. He realized that a man held more intensity behind his kisses, or perhaps that was just a Jeongguk trait.

Jeongguk had kissed a woman before, his beautiful gracious wife, but it hadn't felt this good. Not because it was a different person, but because it was a man. He didn't like kissing men and had no intention of doing so. That's what he tells himself, that the way Taehyung has been changing his mind since they met is driving him insane because he doesn't understand what's going on.

He's always tried to be gentle, afraid of breaking his wife because he was taught that women should be treated as if they were made of glass.

His kissing was now hungry, passionate, fearless, and he let his mouth do the work. Allowing his mind and consciousness to be set aside and allowing his feelings to do the work rather than his thinking. He's had enough of overthinking. He only needed a simple kiss to break open his heart.

''Open up more for me, will you?'' He hummed, letting his right hand (which had secret tattoos Taehyung had discovered previously but is about to discuss soon.)

''Demanding.'' Taehyung smiled and pecked him again. "Like' it." He murmured as they kissed once more. Taehyung's eyes roll back behind his half-closed lids as he becomes increasingly sensitive to Jungkook's touch.

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