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Taehyung freshened his mind after some time, grunting to himself about the ridiculous situation between them.

He walked inside with crossed hands around his chest to warm himself, looking at the nowhere and just walking to his bed.

In the mean time, Jeongguk has sat on the bed, his eyes trailing to Taehyung, who looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his make-up.

He decided that it was a time for him to rest, so he started dressing off his costume, starting with the corset.

But just when he was about to pull off his shift under it, he felt that the buttons got stuck. He tried at least three times more, and swore to dear God, he was ready to rip it off.

Taehyung was fixing his looks unbothered, when he heard Jeongguk lowly talking, more like cursing, "Look, fuck, I hate you, but could you please help me out here ?"

"That he cannot deny." He whispered, putting another layer of dark brownish of his palette.

"Tch, no help needed actually." Jeongguk chuckled ironically, having a grip of the shirt and trying to fix it, when he felt a sudden rip off it.

Of the sudden sound, he looked up to see Taehyung, staffing at him with a knife, that he ripped the shirt off with. "You fucking ruined it." He said.

"Pfft, please, you begged for help. You did not say how and what kind of help, you moron." He said, here again unbothered, and walked to the table next to the small couch they had, pouring himself a red wine to drink.

Jeongguk, however, pulled over his head the shirt, leaving him shirtless. He inspected it, predicting that his sister would scold him, more likely.

"You..fuck, you just came in my kingdom, already feeling that you are some kind of a God or something? Everything seems like some joke to you, doesn't it? Being a little bitch towards everyone and everything," He said lowly, frowning at, "But oh wait, you actually has always been a bitch, what am I even saying?"

He then stood up, observing each of Taehyungs's movements with a slight ironical smirk, "C'mon, my Queen, won't you say something as always? Your mouth seems t-"

Taehyung slammed the glass on the table and marches over him with the knife, slamming him to the wall. He got close. Very close to him "You better stay with your limits if you do not want to end up dead." He said, pressing the night to his bare chest.

"One push," He trailed the knife right where his heart is located at, "and I can end it all, can't I?"

Jeongguk pressed himself even more to the knife, piercing his skin to it. "Do it darling." He said in the peaceful quiet night, "I challenge you to do it."

He grabbed Taehyung by the wrist, pushing the knife a bit deeper. "Hmm? What do we do now?" He hummed, leaning to Taehyung who was just starring at him in unbelieve. He just couldn't understand him.

When he heard a drop of blood dropping on the floor, he slowly pushed away the knife, playing with it and just looking up at the roof. "What an unbelievable man."

"Sure I am." Jeongguk said. "What a bitch you are."

"Gladly would say I am." Taehyung hummed, cleaning the blood on the knife, "Don't expect me to magically fall for you, Jeon. Marriage does not equal to love."

"There's no love accepted in a war, Jeon Taehyung. You should be aware of this."

"I would always be, don't underestimate me."

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