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for a better imagination, the oasis ,you all are to be reading, is similar to the avatar set-up forests

The night was as cold as it had always been. Taehyung, on the other hand, has been used to it for nearly two months, if not longer. He had lost track of the number of days he had spent in the Kingdom not long ago, simply because he had accepted his fate of living in the Kingdom for an indefinite period of time.

So he had no choice but to accept not only the always cold nights, but also the fact that he would be spending a lot of time with Jeongguk (even all the time).

To put it mildly, he was adjusting to daily life in some way. He was used to not seeing as beautiful sunsets or sunrises as he did at home because the sun didn't shine as brightly in this zone; his eyes accepted the fact that most colors everywhere are darker, not normal or even brighter. Everything was almost dark, as if there was something in the air, but it was just a lack of sunlight.

For them, dead flowers or plants were alive, not dead, as is commonly assumed. The dry grass in some areas was actually quite common. It wasn't burned, but rather naturally dry and dark green.

His favorite thing was the flowers, that had more thorns and were sharper. They were magnificent, despite the thorns, because they had beautiful color mash-ups of black, red, and purple (most commonlu).

Oh, and the food was delicious. Initially, he was concerned that he would be poisoned or forced to eat tentacles or something similar. Even the inverse. The dishes were absolutely delicious. sumptuous, luxurious, and unquestionably abundant They also enjoyed cooking their meat with wine, which made it even more delectable.

Indeed, he would notice minor details about how they lived inside and outside the castle.

He noticed small thing about Jeongguk as well.

So it was another cold night with him, taking a walk outside. Outside meant a secret garden behind the castle that Jeongguk was about to show Taehyung for the first time, so both of them secretly hoped for more than thirty minutes together.

To sort out some issues.

"Ah umm..." Taehyung frowned as he noticed Jeongguk walking in the opposite direction after they exited the staircase.

"Mmmm Ha." He mimicked back, lightly shaking his head. ''Why are you looking like that?''

"Aren't we supposed to take this route? I praised myself on knowing the castle..." Taehyung responded, his lips slightly pouting in his confusion.

"You certainly don't know everything." Jeongguk had already turned around and began walking towards him. "I'm sure neither my father nor I know every little detail about it."

Taehyung jogged over to him, now walking beside him. ''Really? The King doesn't know where his own castle is?"

"Do you?" He looked behind him as he continued to walk behind the castle. "Do you know where everything is in yours?"

"Well, I do as long as I know." He said this without making eye contact. ''I can tell I know every little spot on the outside of it, but not the insides. ''

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