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In the carnal-black sky, a flash of moonstone-yellow light appeared. Everyone suspected that it was already Jeongguk's turn to battle, so everyone took advantage of the darkness to make themselves less visible to their opponent. The atmosphere had taken on the characteristics of a war, except there were no evil opponents, no ugly creatures with wings-like flying in the sky. It was a battle of partners.

Not that Jeongguk wasn't the most powerful of them all; he was, indeed. Nevertheless, that does not mean they should be assured by him and him alone and stand aside as some sort of double effect on the opponents. No, they're supposed to fight alongside him and be near to what he's capable of, not be him.

Kim Namjoon's desire to face him was fading as he discovered he was not his opponent. There were only five to six people left, depending on whether or not their special guest would appear; and the very last person he was supposed to see was Kim Seokjin.

And there he was, clutching his leash weapon as if his life depended on it. He saw and sensed many emotions on his face. Anger, sadness, perplexity, and pain His jaw was clenched, his hair pushed back, a few strings of hair in front of his eyes. Oh, those eyes. Those purple eyes, those dreamy purple eyes.

''Guess' it's your bad luck day, huh?''

Grinning his teeth, he said. He was trying his hardest to keep his eyes open, so the other could see the small tears that were about to fall down his cheek. "I suppose your hatred for me brought me in front of you."

"I have no hatred for you, Kim Seokjin." Namjoon exhaled, taking a few steps back, not out of fear, but in preparation for an attack. "You are simply my creative partner who assists me in unraveling mysteries."

"Unraveling  mysteries, hm?" Seokjin looked down at his weapon, tossing the leash to the ground. ''Aren't I a mystery to you? Why can't you discover me?''

"Both you and I are aware that you are wise enough not to say those things," Namjoon simply replied, remaining in position and not revealing his weapon, "So, all of this is just nonsense."

"Your behavior is nonsense!" he screamed, using one of his abilities to push him away with his voice waves. "You are the one, using me for nothing but my brain and nothing else!" He yelled again, sending Namjoon's feet beneath the ground. "You are the one who is making me unhappy now that you see me as nothing more than a mystery solver!"

Namjoon hissed and pushed himself off the ground, performing a high jump and flip in the air before landing behind Seokjin and tossing him.

''Get a grip, you barely have any knowledge about my life.'' He said lowly, caging his neck around his arms and slightly choking him.

''Weren't I wise to know everything?'' He exhaled and gripped his leash, raising his hand together with his leash weapond, and narrowing it to slap the back of Namjoon, most likely leaving a scar, based on the sound of the slap.

Now that Namjoon had freed him, he used his weapon once more, wrapping the leash around his neck and lifting him into the air, "Just fucking fight with that brain of yours, Kim Namjoon." He said darkly and pushed him to the top of a tree.

Namjoon had found himself on a tree. He spat out a pool of blood and wiped his mouth, looking down at Seokjin. "I'm constantly using it." He responded by snapping his fingers and wrapping his other hand around his waist.

Seokjin let out a painful cry, causing a sound wave that hit Namjoon like a breeze since he was high enough. Their battle went on and on.


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