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''Now now,'' Jeongguk stopped his tracks when he heard a voice from behind, ''What is my dear brother doing in this time alone?'' Irene said, titling her head.

''Minding his own business, perhaps?'' He sain in obvious irony, and kept walking past his guards, slightly bowing down to them. ''Shouldn't you do the same, Irene?''

''I visited mother for the past two hours,'' She hummed, locking his hands behind her back while walking gracefully next to her brother, ''For her daily treating, but although you already know.''

He blinked a few times, '' is she?''

''You can just go and see yourself,'' She said, raised up chin, ''She is just sick, not dead.''

Jeongguk scoffs as he tapped Irene a few times on her shoulder, ''No time for such jokes, sis.'' He said with a smile, ''And do not you dare call me a bro. It's the King's wish.''

''Woah woah, alright your Majesty,'' She mocked his tone, ''Where is mi vida?''

''Mi vida?'' He frowned, ''Your husband, where is he?'' She asked again, saying his name instead of a nickname.

''Why do you call him mi vida-..You know what, I am not even interested why.'' He stopped his tracks, ''I am in a sour mood, Irene. Could you kindly stop following me?''

''Alright then,''She also stopped her tracks, turning to the opposite side from where they came, and casually walked.

The younger brother frowned in confusing, ''W-where are you even going..?''

''To find mi vida, obviously.'' She sassily said, looking over her shoulder with a pleasant smile, ''He probably wouldn't mind my company. He's not you, by some obvious reasons.''

Jeongguk laughed out at her silly answer, ''You don't even know where he is.''

''I will find my way, don't you worry!'' She waved a hand, ''Plus, I can probably take more care of him than you. In addition, he will listen to all my embarrassing stories for you! I will have a fun time with him!'' She yelled, turning to the left hallways where she disappeared.

Jeongguk just stood there, blinking a few times with a dramatic eye roll, ''Oh she just did not.'' He growled at the behaviour of his sister, and ran next to her, but when he saw a few guards, he fakely coughed and walked.


''Taehyung-ssi! Taehyung-ssi!'' She yelled around, placing a hand on her mouth that mimicked a microphone. ''Oh our dear Queen! Where are you~''

In the mean time, Taehyung had already found the recipe. And when he did, he was jumping around for a minute or two, and then put on an apron so he wouldn't get his clothes dirty.

''Huh?'' He turned around for a second, but then turned to turn off the stove, ''I swear I heard someone yelling my n-'' But then his eyes snapped wide when he saw two figures fighting on their way to get inside.

Jeongguk looked shocked as well at Taehyung, pulling away Irene. ''Get off me, you witch.'' He hissed and fixed his clothes.

''A witch, hah!'' He laughed away, fixing her clothes as way, ''You little piece of..Taehyung, mi vida! You know we haven't talk in so long! Would you like to spend time with your sister in law!''

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