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What is the best definition of happiness?

"Joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment characterize happiness as an emotional state. While there are many different definitions of happiness, it is frequently described as involving positive emotions and a sense of fulfillment in life."

"Happiness is that feeling you get when you realize things are going well in your life and you can't help but smile. It's the polar opposite of melancholy. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, joy, or well-being. People are happy when they are successful, safe, or fortunate."

What causes happiness?

We feel joy in our bodies because of the release of dopamine and serotonin, two types of neurotransmitters in the brain.

blah blah blah...

Alright, if now what, then who causes happiness?

A special someone has the ability to make you truly happy. It could be a member of your family, a close friend, your favorite performer, an animal, or anyone else.

A certain person was making Jeongguk happy right now, at the same certain moment.


They'd both fallen onto the stone, their bodies moving with each laugh. They decided to just lie down and talk because nothing could be more relaxing than that, especially with the sound of the waterfall in the background.

What he didn't really understans is why the two of them were laughing together? It felt new to him. He couldn't tell if it was either bad or good.

"You were such a sweetheart! I can't believe you did such a thing, oh lord." Taehyung continued to giggle loudly while taking a breath. "I had no idea you could cast such spells at such a young age!"

"You know, I have no idea why I'm laughing, or why you're laughing in the first place! Taehyung, I was so enraged that I didn't show up for days!" He said it in a more solemn tone, which caused Taehyung to break again due to his solemn expression.

"Because it's so adorable! You made a dummy mistake. I just see you were never like this as a kid; the greatest, the most powerful, feared, and mightiest and drop-dead serious."

"Because I was only a child? How can a kid be feared-, you know what, let's change the subject," he frowned. ''I'd prefer not to embarrass myself in front of you. Who knows what you could do with that kind of knowledge." He rolled his eyes and stood up, his back cracking in the process.

"I just had a sweet vision of little Jeon Jeonggukie," Still laying and staring at the other, Taehyung smiled. "All kids are cute at some point, and you were definitely one of them."

The brunette sighed and stood up, leaving a sigh in her wake. "Not that I'll have the opportunity. If not, do you have any family paintings?"

The King hummed, his gaze shifting elsewhere. "I'm sure it's somewhere, I suppose. I don't intend of searching it.''

"Too bad. Back in my Kingdom, I have maaany but maaany paintings, you know? It was my idea to create a room with all of my family's paintings. I ordered that such a room be built so that we can keep my family's memories for...well, until the next person takes the throne there." He then kept quiet, ''If there's even a next person.''

''Is it not supposed to have a next person?'' He gave an odd chuckle, but Taehyung didn't. "Wait, what does this even mean?"

"My father is getting older," he murmured softly, "and I don't have any siblings. In the line, I am the only boy. This was not planned."

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