Chapter 1

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Christian Pov

I'm walking into the coffee cafe next to my company on a busy sidewalk with Taylor tailing behind me. I am busy reading the texts on my phone and I have to take a side step quickly, almost colliding and dodging a flustered woman with long dark brown hair flying around her. She has her coffee in one hand, purse and laptop case in the other, as she runs out of the cafe in a white silk dress in a big hurry. Our eyes meet for a split second only, and her eyes are the most beautiful cerulean blue I have ever seen on anyone. She muttered, "Sorry", and flys by me. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on as I watch her run away, as she was in a panic.

I stopped and turned to watch her and noticed Taylor does too. I said, "Wow! You see that?"

Taylor said, "Yeah."

The young lady stops down the sidewalk, reaches down, grabs her heels that she just took off her feet and starts running at high speed like the wind. Her chocolate colored locks of hair are bouncing and flying behind her with her blue green chiffon scarf. Quickly she is long gone down the sidewalk, blending into the crowded street. A young Hispanic man runs out of the cafe door holding his face and walking with a limp. It looks red like he just got slapped and kneed in the balls. He is looking around for the woman with dark rage in his eyes, shakes his head, gets in a beat up old rusted out pickup truck and leaves.

I looked at Taylor and said, "Man, Monday mornings must suck for everyone." I shrug and go in to get my coffee.


Ana Pov

I ran. I had no choice. He followed me here. He hurt my upper arm by grabbing it super hard and digging his nails into my flesh. I know I'm going to get a bruise from it. What the hell is he doing following me around town? I could have taken him out right there in the cafe. I just didn't want to make a bigger scene in public than I did, so I punched him and kneed him to the balls. It was enough to get away. I have a restraining order against him not to be within 200 feet of me. I took a picture of him inside the cafe on my phone and recorded the threats he was saying. I'm headed to the police station to show them my arm and my phone.

I called GEH and asked the HR lady Rebecca Cummings to reschedule my interview later today or another day because of an emergency. I was huffing and breathing hard. She asked if I was ok and I told her I was just running in a hurry. She asked if I could come at four o'clock today. I said yes that would be fine and thanked her. I hung up.

I ran the whole three blocks from the cafe to police headquarters. I filed a report and talked to an officer about Jose breaching the restraining order. I showed him my evidence and my arm that was now turning blue and bleeding on to my Donna Karan white silk dress sleeve. He took photos of my injury, downloaded my recording and took a photo from my phone. He said I need to go to the ER to get my arm checked out, documented and forwarded to his email at headquarters by the hospital. I left to go get my car out of the parking structure downtown here. Dealing with Jose and the hospital is nothing new after four weeks ago.


Kate and I graduated, that night Jose joined us at the bar. We were all drinking and dancing and having fun. Jose was getting touchy feely too much and I yelled at him three times to knock it off. Kate laughed at it and said I was being too uptight and needed to get laid. She said maybe it would lighten me up and I should 'give him some'. She took off to dance with her own potential bed filler for the night.

Next thing I know, I was getting sick. As time went by, I felt sicker by the moment. I got up to leave and knew something was wrong, I was drugged, because I only had two shots and a beer. My eyes were starting to cross. Jose kept trying to drag me out of the bar and I fought him best I could, which got the attention of the bouncer. I begged the bouncer to help me and said the word "drugged" before passing out in his arms. Jose said he was my friend and would make sure to get me home. The bouncer said bullshit that I was trying to get away from him and was drugged. He called 911 and Jose ran off. The hospital found four times the amount of GHB Rohypnol in my blood. The cops weren't able to get any video from the dive bar to see if he did it. I know he did. They detoxified me and pumped my stomach. The doctor said I  would have died had it all entered my system. I did not wake up in the hospital for three days and my so-called friend Kate never even knew anything was wrong, even though they called her several times, until I walked in the apartment five days later. She said she assumed I was with Jose getting my pussy pounded. What a bitch! For five fucking days!?!!

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