Sanjana Avasthi

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Sanjana's POV:

"Sanju!!!! You're getting me on my nerves!"
My 2min younger brother screamed at me angrily.

"Sahil I can't, it's not possible!" I said being honest.

"Then why did you even apply there in the first place?"
He asked annoyingly.

I kept the offer letter into the drawer of my study table and got up going near the window, I stood with deep thoughts. Sahil came and stood beside me, he kept his hands on my shoulder.

"I can't do it brother, it's not going to happen. It will never happen!" I said and shrugged his hands off.

"Sanjana there is no harm in trying once!"
He now begged me.

"Sahil, don't force her. She will never do something for her own good. We are cracking our heads on an iron wall"
Said Nandini my best friend.

I looked over Sahil's shoulder to see her sitting on my bed and eating a bowl of popcorn and glaring at me.

"Can you please stop fighting and tell her something"
He told her annoyingly.

"I've done my best possible.
I seriously lost all hope in your sister"
She said stuffing her mouth with more popcorn.

My brother huffed and turned back to me saying..."Sanjana please try to understand...

I cut him off...
"Sahil you need to understand, I can't take this job"
I said loudly looking at him.

"Why can't you? Do you even know what an opportunity you're losing?"
Asked Nandini and stood up from the bed in anger.

"Sahil, Nandini, my Dad will never allow me to abroad for work. He doesn't even want me to work here in India leave alone London"
I said in frustration.

"Then just run away!"
My friend adviced me.

I gave her a careless look. Sahil mouthed her to shut up and looked back at me.

"Sanju just think, out of all the people you have got selected. Isn't it great? Can't we try and explain it to them" He said hopefully with soft eyes.

"There is no point, but only because you guys are insisting on me so much, I will try and speak with Sorav bhai first and then tell mom and dad"
I told them both.

Instantly their faces lit up like 440 walt bulb. They came running and hugged me tight.
I just laughed at theses two stupid creatures.


At evening my parents had gone to one of our relative's housewarming party. Me and my sister in law were at home. She is also a very quite and clam person but under the bondage of this house. We both were chit chatting and I told her my plans. She was very happy for me but also scared about my dad's reaction.

Once at night when my elder brother Sorav was back from the office, I tried and explained everything to him and he too had only one thing to say..."Sanjana drop the idea"

I lost all last hopes but, still Sahil insisted me and here we are sitting at the dining table. All are eating in silence. When Shilangi bhabhi's eyes met mine in worry. My brother gave me a "don't say anything" look.

Sahil only held my hand tightly under the table and gave me a hopefull smile.

I took a deep breath and brought up some courage to speak...

"Baba, I need to tell you something important"
I said softly with hope filled heart.

"Hmmmm" He hummed concentrating on his food.

"I applied for a job in London and got selected. I want to go there and work"
I said leaving a breath.

I finally broke it to him. He stopped eating and looked at me with a shocked expression. My mother chocked her food, my brother hit his forehead, my sister in law was tensed. Sahil's pressure on my hand became tight in worry. The whole atmosphere was like a death house.

"Are you in your senses?" My mother asked me scarstically.

"She's definitely not!" Said my dad and resumed back eating.

"I'm very much in my scenes and definitely serious"
I said back boldly.

But to be true I got scared like hell from within. My blood became cold and my nerves started shaking.

"I very clearly told you, after your studies are completed, you will be marrying my friend's son" Said my mother gritting her teeth.

"Yes, I know. But now I want to work, what did I study for?
Only to get married?"
I asked her in annoyance.

She gave me a death glare and was about to say something but my dad held her hand and stopped her.

"Speak whatever is in your stupid mind. I want to hear" He said giving me a serious stare.

"I want to achieve something in my life on my own. Please just for once let me do it for myself. I've always tried to be the best daughter for you both. Please allow me to do something for my happiness"
I said in one breath without leaving eye contact with both my parents.

They both shared a long look. All sat in silence looking at each other's blank faces we did not know who should speak next.

"One year!"
Dad said looking at me.

"Huh?"... I left an expression.

"One year, I give you freedom of one year. Do as you please. But after a year you will do as we say!" He said very seriously.

Sahil jumped in happiness, my face was still in shock. I didn't know how to react. I sat numb. Dad got up and left, mom went behind him.

"How did this miracle happen?" Asked my elder brother in shock.

"Whatever happened, it only happened for the good"
My Bhabhi said in all smiles.

"Yeah, so let's get things ready!"
Said Sahil in excitement.

"Ho wait, first let me call Nandu and tell her, she would go crazy" He said and got up with his phone.

I got up to help my sister in law to keep everything back from the dining when my father came again. He stood in front of me and gave him a blank look. I did not get good vibes by his stare.

"I forgot to say one thing!"
He said with a poker face.

I stood still not saying anything. It's like calm before the storm.

"Tomorrow evening is your engagement with Rahul, the friend's son I was talking about After that your marriage will be postponed to next year once your done with all your work. And yeah another good thing is that, Rahul also works in London. You will be safe and happy there" He said and left.

I sat back down with drops of water flowing from my eyes. My brother came and side hugged me, my bhabhi also had tears in her eye.

"It's ok little one, you knew this was on the way" He said softly.

"Be strong Sanjana, this shall too pass. You can do it!"
My bhabhi said smiling sadly.

"Guys, there is lots to do"
Came in a happy Sahil.

"What's wrong? Why are you all dull and crying?"
He asked as soon as he saw us.

..............................Next Chapter

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