Chapter 13

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Chris P.O.V.

Last night was amazing because I hung out with my nigga and his girl and my girl. I couldn't but help to admire my beautiful pregnant girlfriend that I soon want to become my wife. I started seeing her move around a bit meaning she about to wake up and today, all I want to do is catch up on everything I missed out on.

Mariah P.O.V.

I woke up to Chris in his words 'admiring' me sometime it's cute, but then other times it's plain out just creepy. I love Chris though and we have been together for 11 months going on 12 months in the next 2 weeks. Even though, I'm pregnant I still want to have this one year anniversary planned out right because me and Chris have been through everything that a married couple have been through. I never want to rush Chris into something he is not comfortable doing, but I also don't want to be 50 or 60 years still claiming each other as boyfriend/girlfriend when we have kids getting married. Thinking all of this, Chris said something but I didn't hear him since I was in a deep thought.

" Chris, did you say something?"

" Yeah I thought I would be smelling the smell of breakfast." Chris said.

I thought of what he said and agreed with him because Chyna was forever in the kitchen cooking. So having her not cooking this morning something must have happened. I walk near the kitchen and see Chyna.. unconcious. I hurried and called 911. I had Chris to text Tyga and tell him meet us at the hospital because something is up with Chyna.

We waited to tell him everything what we saw and know so far. 15 minutes later, Tyga bussed through the doors and I asked Chris if he can tell Tyga for me because I can tell he was highly upset but the doctor came through the door and said that the 'baby and Chyna were fine' . It was something wrong with the sentence until I actually thought of it.. Chyna is pregnant. I am happy that I am becoming a mom and godmom, but I need to know what happened but the doctor wouldn't tell us. After holding Chyna in the hospital for 2 days, she was ready to come home and I was ready for her to come home because my stomach haven't been the same without her good cooking.

When we pulled up to the house, I noticed all the lights were off and that was odd because we usually leave some type of lightening on. All of a sudden people come from left, right and in front of me started yelling "Surprise!" It was a surprise party congratulating me and Chyna on being pregnant. For a minute, I thought that was what a baby shower is for but I am going to go and have some fun at this party while it last. I noticed the crew came out and lord himself knows it been awhile since I have talked to these girls.

" Dang Mimi you go ghost on us and you turn up pregnant." Nicki said.
" I mean things happen but I miss y'all like crazy though. Finally good to say that for once my life is now just getting back on track."

" Aww you and Chris had y'all little moment again?" Apryl asked.

" Apryl don't make it sound like that. Every relationship has their rough patches and I'm not leaving that boy in there and this baby too much to do that."

" Aww ." All the girls said making me laugh.

Soon enough, I walked back into the party to find Chris but he was nowhere to be found. I texted his phone and I didn't get a reply. I just went up to Chyna room and tried to keep her company, so me and her talked until of what I remember being lifted into my bed and put the covers ontop of me and kiss me on my forehead. I grabbed his arm and told him he can stay, when he said 'alright' I knew for sure it was Chris.

It been hitting me hard lately, dang me and Chris are really about to become parents. After all that thinking Chris and I decided to drift off to sleep.

In the middle of the night I found the house spotless then I thought about it Chyna had to demand some of the guest to clean the house before they leave. I was now wondering if it was a good time to move out, since its two pregnant females under the same roof.

After two months of staying with Chyna, I decided to move in with Chris and he helped me move my stuff in his house since I can't do anything.

" Baby where you want me to put this painting?" Chris asked.

" Oh let me get up and- "
" No you sit down. I don't need you breaking anything you don't have." Chris said and started laughing.

" Chris keep the lame jokes to yourself and plus I'm just going to see what painting you talking about." I said while getting up.

" And I don't want you getting up." He said as gently pushing me back down.

" Chris are you serious right now. My doctor said I must walk 15 Minutes or more around daily."

"Okay but what I say?" He said and I started laughing right in his face.

Its going to be a very long pregnancy dealing with Chris then all of a sudden everything hit me. Chris never brought back up that situation, when he was poisoned, and I started to question him.

" Chris do you know who poisoned you?" It took him awhile for him to answer.

Chris P.O.V.

I was on my phone on Twitter then Mariah asked me something until I got a text from a unknown number.
???: We need to talk.
Me: Who is this?
???: Just meet me at the restaurant at 9, I'm about to send the address.
* The person sent the address.*

I lifted my head and noticed Mariah calling my name.
" Chris?" Mariah called.
" Look baby, I'm gone have to talk to you when I get back home later." I said as I gathered my phone and car keys.

" Chris we don't ever- " I didn't hear the rest of her sentence since I left out the house.

It took me 30 minutes to go to the restuarant, so I got out the car and headed toward the receptionist to ask for a table for two. As I waited for the unknown person. I glanced up to see it was Ashely. Why she keep popping up in my life? Then she had Malaysia behind her like this is just getting worse by the second.

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