Chapter 9

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Ashely P.O.V

I know what y'all thinking "Did you poison Chris and if so, why?" Well sadly yes, I poisoned that son of a bitch. Even though me and Chris had sex two times my dumb ass actually started catching feelings, I mean I can treat him way better than that Mariah bitch can. To my point of view, all she do is complain and gets on a person nerves and Chris really doesn't need a female like that. He needs a female like me who is chill, give him anything.. anytime and I wouldn't be all on his back but noo.. with that Mariah chick she's nothing but a pain.

I didn't intentionally mean to poison Chris, but it happened I tried to in some way kidnap him, but when I noticed the "roofie" had a disformed color. It was too late because Chris already shut the door and Mariah was already coming into the driveway, so I left and stayed for awhile until a few moments later, I heard the ambulance. I felt bad because the man I want is now in the hospital because of my selfish wants, but this is surely not over from a long shot.

Mariah P.O.V

I walked into the hospital room where Chris was at and I was excited to see him awake.
" Hey baby, how ya feeling?" I bent down and pecked him on the lips.
" Well, for a person to be poisoned, pretty good." He said as we both chuckled.
" So, do you know who poisoned you?" Trust me I already knew the answer I just wanted to see if Chris was going to answer the question.

Chris P.O.V

I know exactly who poisoned me and it was Ashely crazy ass. She came over to say we needed to "talk," but I didn't want Mariah thinking anything was going on.

I told Ashely I had a headache because I really did and Ashely pulled a pill out saying that the pill works for headaches and that the headache can go away in matters of seconds. After I took the pill I immediately started feeling sweaty, dizzy and next thing I know everything was black. Literally, seconds later I could hear Mariah footsteps as she walked in the house. I could feel her body get close to me and her arms wrapped around me her emotions was everywhere and I could hear her call the ambulance. I just couldn't say anything because it was this feeling as if I didn't have control of my body.

I snapped out of my thoughts and heard Mariah voice.

" Chris?" Mariah called.
" Yes baby. "
" Do you know who poisoned you?" She asked.
" No." I said as I looked away.
" Chris, don't lie-" Gladly, the crew came in and stopped Mariah in the middle of her sentence because I was going to confess but I don't need her going out there doing something crazy.

Mariah P.O.V

For some strange, tingly reason I think Chris know who did this to him. He just didn't want to tell me, I mean its like he would want some clarification on why somebody would do this to him. But, my suspense is still on Ashely no matter if it was her directly or not she still had some type of input into this. She been the only jealous one to be known of hating on me and Chris relationship.

Chris phone snapped me out of my thoughts. I was going to pass him his phone, but I looked over at him talking to the guys so I answered the phone instead and I noticed it was a unsaved number.

???: Chris?
Me: Um, who is this?
???: Wait a minute. Who is this?
Me: This is Chris girlfriend, Mariah. Now question is who are you?
???: Mariah? Who the hel-

Before she could finish her sentence Chris phone shut off, I wanted to know who this chick was. For once, I don't think this was Ashely but I still don't put nothing past her sneaky ass.

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