Come back to me

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"Yes, no problem. Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it." First rejection for this week. You applied to several company, no one gave answer, now there's finally one and it's rejecting your application. You had no recommendations letter from Taehyung's previous company or Jungkook's since you left without notice.
You don't even send the proper resignation letter to Jungkook's. It made you even frustrated.

You sat on the cafe just one hundred yard from you rent flat. The environmental was totally different from your lifestyle before.

"Your coffee, Miss." You smile to the waiter. You are hanging out alone in the cafe just around the apartment. No where else to go.

You missed Jungkook so bad and miserable because of that.

A male from the other day entered the cafe. He brought laptop with him. He ordered his coffee and looking for a seat. There is plenty. You are hesitantly greeted him.

"Hello, do you remember me, right? I'm your neighbor. You could sit with me if you want to." He looked confused for a minute then from his expression you could tell he remembered you. He looked troubled probably your offer was way too friendly, "Ah, sorry. You want to be alone. I'll leave first." You got up hurriedly. Embarrassed.

"Are you okay?" Your head bumped into someone as you got up. The three of you looked into each other.

"I'm.. okay." You are surprised to see Taehyung, "Excuse me." His face was the last you wanted to see. He followed you outside the cafe. His behavior was beyond annoying, "How do you know I'm here?"

"I sent people." He is worried since suddenly unknown male talking to you so he decided to come out from his hiding.

"Back off, Mr Kim." Another male came out of nowhere standing between you and Taehyung. You couldn't be more confused.

"Put your hand off from Mr Kim." A man appeared looks like bodyguards defend Taehyung. Your world suddenly spinning. Who are these people!

"Do I suppose to know you?" You talked to the man in front of you.

"Mr Jeon hire me to protect you, Mrs." He answered politely.

"Of course he did." You rolled your eyes, "And you! Why are you here? Can't both of you leave me alone! Geez, i can not breath." Taehyung sent his bodyguards away. Of course he had to have one now. He is a very important person now, "You. Call your boss and tell him I don't want his protection. Tell him to fuck himself!"

"Mrs Jeon!" He protested.
"You hear her. Go away." The man is insisting to follow you from behind.

Taehyung considered it's safe distance to talk, "My friend told me you apply in their company."
"Yeah, did they also tell you they are not interested too?" You scoffed.

"I told them to." He answered.

"You told them to." You lost at words, "Sure, do whatever you want. You are the boss."

"Work with me instead, Y/n."

"Can't you just leave me alone..? I want nothing from both of you and Jungkook." When you said that you mean every words. You don't hate them you just done.

"I won't leave you alone. Instead coming himself for you as your husband, he sent god damn body guard whatsoever. But i came myself. I care about you, i still do."

You bit your lower lip, frustrated.
"No. You don't care about me because if you did you will shut your mouth and let me happily marry to Jungkook! You don't want me to be happy. You don't want me to marry Jungkook because of your ego.."

"It's not fair. He don't choose you. I chose you! I love you! I want to marry you. He just come and make everything his." Taehyung had everything and now he came back for more.

"Taehyung, I need sometime alone. Thank you for your offer."

"You know I'm able to he-"

"Your dad wanted to separate us." You cut his words, "He gave Jungkook twenty four million. He paid that much I'm sure he doesn't mind to spend more."

"I'm the one who run the company now." He isn't the same Taehyung you fell in love with. He is someone with so much money and power. But maybe you made him this way, "I want the same chance as Jungkook. You love me too, you just forget."

"You are engaged, Taehyung. Don't tell me it just you playing stupid jealousy game."
Men are selfish.

"I just engaged to shut up my dad. But i only love you. She doesn't matters to me." You fiddled your fingers, it's sad how he declared his love but you felt nothing. Exactly nothing. You thought you will melting by his words since you are with him for a long time, but it seemed his words hurt you deeply, you couldn't feel anything towards him anymore.

"Don't do that. Don't play with someone's else feeling." You said to him.

"You don't seriously in love with Jungkook!
He is cold shit. He doesn't care about anything but business." Your heart ached.

"It's funny how Jungkook never talk bad about you but you are always talk trash him. He respects your dad, he likes you and treat-"

"Don't say he treats me like brother because if he did he wouldn't stole you from me!" Hearing you defend Jungkook making him angry.

"I love him, Taehyung..." He is hurt to hear you admit your love to Jungkook.

It's like someone stab his chest, stir the knife and injure him to dead. It might be for the best.
If wasn't because of Taehyung, you won't ever meet Jungkook. And now he wanted it all back.

The quiet guy watched the poor girl talk to the male who look like come out from the fashion magazine. For a moment she surrounded by several person. But now only the alpha male talking to her. She looked uncomfortable.
He is sure she knows the man.

But her body language around him seems off.
He doesn't want to watch but since the girl is assigned to her, he has to meddle.

"At least let me provide you with better place around the city. Not a shitty place like this. How could you sleep here?" Taehyung disliked the place you chose to live in.

"This is the place i can afford. For the last time, I don't need your money. If you have nothing to talk about. I'm busy." You crossed your arm.

"You are doing nothing Y/n!" He raised his voice making you flinch, "I don't mean to scare you. Babe, please .. Y/n-"

"Is this man bothering you?" A calm raspy voice talked to you. It's your neighbor from earlier.

"We're just done talking." Taehyung doesn't look happy with the interruption.

"Let me escort you to the apartment then."
He doesn't spare a glance to Taehyung. Intentionally offending him.

"Who the hell are you? Stay out of this."
Taehyung retorted.

"He is my neighbor."

"Listen, pretty boy. You are not from this area but i am. I know several person who wouldn't mind scratch that pretty face of yours."

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