Job Offer

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"Don't worry. I'll transfer the money. How are you and mom?" You called Yuuna, she is worried about your mother.

"I'm fine.. but mom isn't really healthy recently. She said that she never suffers this much since she was born. None of her friend replies the calls." You didn't know what to do. Surely your mom won't get back to the old life where she can spend as much money as she wants.

"How about dad and Jimin? Have you hear anything from them?"

"Jimin texted me the other day. He is fine. Dad is fine too." "I've signed the divorce paper."

"I'm sorry, Yuuna.." It didn't work well for her, "Is there anything i can do for you?"

"It's not your fault, Y/n. I know you have a lot in your mind too. Please take care of yourself." She said kindly. She is always the sister you adore so much.

"I'm okay..." Can't pour another into her cup.

"How about your husband? Does he treat you well? He looks like a caring person." You glanced at Jungkook who was watching the news on the TV.

"We are in the good term, i guess.. I don't know." You didn't know why would you say that. It is all confusing where the two of you stand right now.

"I'm sorry i never speak up to mom about her injustice. I know she treats you coldly."

"Don't worry about that. I'm not taking it to heart anymore. " Bitter to admit you would never be her favorite, "I'm get used to it. I don't like her very much too." The heart already grow apart after years without a mother's warmth. She isn't that kind good mother or so anyway.

"I hate her too after i got married." You knew she had boyfriend back then, "But now she is only have us."

"I know."

"Y/n, i can't ask you for the money forever. I'm trying to find a job. It's not so easy apparently." She laughed cheerfully, "But I won't give up!" She sounds very optimistic.

"I'm sorry to be your burden. I'm such a useless sister." She laughed at her own words, "It must be hard for you."

"No, sis. You are not  a burden at all." Not once she had to work for money. It ached your heart that she is willing to look for a job even she never had one before.

"It's a bit harder than I thought.. I hope dad and Jimin come back soon." You wish you could offer a place in Jungkook's office.

But he already take you. You couldn't be more shameless and ask another job for your sister, "Uh, i think mom is awake now. I will make her dinner. You should rest too. Talk to you later, sis."

"Take care." Your mother loves Yuuna and Jimin.
I'm the only one she hates.

Your mother never took your side too, always too proud of her first child who is perfect. Bragging about your sister to her friends. You sure that she never once mention your name to her friends. And Jimin is her dearest son. He would not do anything his entire life but to play around, your mother will gladly feed him forever. 

"Is that your sister?" Jungkook observed your gloomy face.

"Yes." You answered shortly. Jungkook caught you spacing out again.

"Did something happen?"

"They are short-" You almost told him your family short of money. If there was a pride left on you, this one you shall keep to yourself, "My mom doesn't feeling well."

"Should we go and see her?" He suggested

"No, don't worry. My sister takes care of her.
She will be fine." Jungkook casually put his arm around you, pulling yourself close to him. He had been very gentle and considerate lately, but there was a little place in your heart that still couldn't accept him. The one that love the other.

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