You and Me

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Jungkook drove you home, he was quiet most of the time. You can't think much of it.
There was too many in your plate now.
"Don't lock the door."

"You are going to bath, right? Don't lock the door." He repeated. You blinked several times, can not process his words.

"If you pass out in there i don't have to break through the door." He explained.
"I won't pass out!" But you didn't lock the door just in case.

Jungkook is already in his pajamas when you came out. He is reading on his tablet. Probably the work he had to leave because of you. He is calm all the time.

You slid under the duvet, giving him your back. Should i say thanks again?

"Why did you cry earlier?" He noticed, with eyes that puffy of course he did.
"None of your business."

"Taehyung isn't it?" He asked sharply.
"..." You turned around, facing him, "I bet you are happy. He ..-" you bit your lip to restrain any sobs from your mouth. It was harder to say than you thought. To admit that you and Taehyung would never be together again after this.

He made his choice. That girl probably the way he show your way out of his life. You covered your face with the palms, "My life is a mess. It never goes as i planed, it's tiring..."

"Everyone think I'm living in fairy tale, perfect family, good job and all, but my parents dolled up me up just to marry someone i barely know, i have to swallow my own feeling, i can't tell my lover I'm married because I'm afraid he will leave me. And now it happened, people i love left me. This life has been nothing but betrayed me.."

You hate someone else pitied you but your chest feels heavy you can't carry it alone anymore, "I wish i died today.. it will be eas-" You stoned as you feel Jungkook locked you gently in his embrace, patting your back.

"Nothing is easier if you are die. Keep living so one day when you look back, you can be proud of what you have through and for not giving up today."

"It's hard.." You hugged him back tighter and cried for God's know how long.
You always show him your hard shell, that mouth always find a word to despise him. If only he know your words was to protect your fragile heart.
"You have me..."


"Y/n send her resignation letter this morning. Does she ever mention it to you before? This is weird..."

"She does... doesn't she.." Taehyung isn't surprised to hear you resigned from the company, he could see that is going to happen when things doesn't end like both of you expected.

"Did something happen?"

"Nothing. Tell HR to hire her replacement."

None of the employees in the company aware of the relationship. Both of them keep it professional in the office.

"Ahh, too bad.. She is good tho. Don't you think she gets offer somewhere else?"

"That may be the case. I can't offer her much since we are small company. In the end someone will take her away from us."
Someone like Jeon Jungkook.

"I guess you are right. I heard she comes from a rich family as well, she probably won't be here if you aren't her senior in college." Taehyung looked to the window, empty.



Waking up to unfriendly headache drilling your head, the sun is already high. You touched Jungkook's side of the bed. It is empty and cold. He must off to the office...

You are silently relieved you don't have to see him. How could you face him after last night. He was embracing you for hours until he fell asleep himself. His body scent was soothing and hypnotizing.

What would happen if he didn't come yesterday? You hugged the duvet tightly.

His words are encouraging. No wonder he could made name for himself in such a short time in business.

You woke up early to write the resignation letter, Jungkook was still sleeping at the time. You had to do it right away. You can't see Taehyung anymore.

You decided to take several days off before looking for a new job.

You got up from the bed. Remembering that you had to transfer some money to Yuuna account. Maybe you should go out and took some coffee to freshen up.

"Where are you going?" You were startled to be greet by Jungkook in the living room. Didn't he off to work? He used casual clothes to begin with, in fact he was sitting and reading news paper.

"Are you going to work?" He asked. You looked down to the clothes you were wearing. Is it too formal to go out with?

"No, i.. i want to grab a coffee. Umm.. Why are you home? You are supposed to be in the office." How to rid this awkward tension?

Jungkook folded his newspaper and focused on you, "I take a day off. Your car is still in the workshop. Do you want me to drive you?"

Oh, you were forget about that.. You need to go to ATM, will it be convenient with him around? But it will look like you are avoiding him.
"Can i use your car instead?"

"Okay." He doesn't hesitate to let you use his car.
He has a few of them.
"Thank you.." Now you were genuinely regretted all the harsh words you spit to him.

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