A Day Off

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Hobi entered Jungkook's office which is strangely had no one inside. There are piles of documents on his table. It is unusual.

Jungkook would never let his work pile that tall. Where did he go anyway? A Meeting outside?

Because Hobi won't believe it if he said he doesn't go to office.  No matter what day it was. If the office operated, Jungkook is always attend.

Unless he is sick. That's not even strong reason for him to stay home.

"Where is JK?" He asked his assistant.
"Mr Jeon took a day off today, personal matters." He answered him.

"Like he is sick? Dying?" Nothing can stop that man unless he is half dying. Hobi is quite convince that Jungkook will insist to work even on his dead bed.

"His wife involved in car accident yesterday. He must be with her now." Hobi laughed from his nose.

Why did he bother to act cold; he was clearly all over his wife, Y/n! Jungkook never date before so this might be fun.

You sat awkwardly in the car with Jungkook. Can't recall how but you ended up going with him. He stopped by the closest coffeeshop. He ordered coffee for you. He can't stand bitter drink apparently.

"Your mother expect grandchildren from this marriage." He talked without any specific expression, your mouth form a thin line. She had to tell him, didn't she?

"She doesn't want you to divorce me." There is nothing to hide, you were quite sure Jungkook aware of your family situation, in fact he probably know better than yourself, "We have nothing now." There was a lot in your mind, if Jungkook divorce you, one of your headache will be gone, your mom can't do nothing but to hate you, "You could divorce me if you want to. No need to wait four years."

"I will help your family. My people is looking at it now. I'm not divorcing you."

"What?" For a moment you thought...
"I will divorce you as when the contact said." He erased the doubt you have in mind.

You lowered your head and closed your eyes, there is a pain and bitterness grew on your chest as if it took the breath from you. No body will let you go so easily. They had to make you suffer first...

"Y/n?" Jungkook called you several times. He took your hand carefully, "Are you not feeling well yet?"

"I'm okay!" You pulled your hand harshly.
Jungkook is confused. Did he say something wrong? You looked paler than before. He watched you steadying your breath. You were refusing to look at him, "Let's go home."

"Alright." He will divorce after four years. Why doesn't agree to do it now? Apparently you are tight on money, family all mess, wrecked love life aren't enough reason for him. He wants to do his part too.

The whole ride back is even colder.
You slammed the car door close and bolted to the bedroom. You planned to freshen up but end up pooling your mind with dirt.

"Y/n, tell me what's wrong?"

Jungkook came after you.
He saw you several times, not once you were this helpless. It was like you were losing yourself, worrying too much. You walked around the room back and forth.

"Tell me what's wrong!" Looking at you acting uneasy and seemed like in the verge of the tears made him lost.

"What do you want from me?" You cried,
"I have nothing to offer, my family have nothing to offer anymore! Why don't you let me go!" He startled, all he wanted was to help but you can't think clearly.

"Stop moving!" He snapped as his hands tightly gripped on your shoulder, "God damn it you make me confused!"

"Jungkook, i have nothing, my family can't offer you any beneficial business now. My father and brother are somewhere i don't know. I can't do this, why they put everything on me.. I'm just a-" Your words were cutting by his gentle lips on yours.

"One at the time.." He whispered. He parted himself first, but he came back for more..

Jungkook deepened the kiss. He was drawn by how soft your lips melted on his.
It got heated quickly as you gave up and stumbled to the bed. Jungkook hovered on top of you. His under met yours in needs.

You were failed to see his effort to soothe whatever you feel now. It made you even furious, thinking he took advantage of your weakness.

"Stop it.." You cried. Jungkook didn't listen to you, he traced your neck with his mouth as he nipped on it lightly, driving by lust. You pushed him weakly, "Jungkook, stop.."

His hand was ghosting under your blouse.
Every touches gave you shivers. It burnt wherever his fingers roam. You forgot to breath as your hands clenched tightly.

Your strength is nothing compare to him, the way he anticipated to the whole kiss snapped your consciousness back.

"Don't do this... please.." If you let him now.
You wouldn't able to resist later.

He is too busy, he is possessed by your charm. Your begs made him wanted to do more. You grabbed his back.

"Stop, please, I don't want it..." You were crying. He looked up to your face.

You could see how clear the lust in his eyes when he pulled away. He bit his own lips, breathing out. Almost as if he is innocent.

He mistook your beg as encouragement.
Jungkook wiped his mouth. He looked at you once again and turned around, leaving the room. He doesn't familiar with rejection.

Or he was calming himself out there. Leaning on kitchen counter. Taking a deep breath, pushing down his inner self that ask to be release. What's this feeling?

Jungkook groaned, looking down at his tightening pants. His face suddenly red with embarrassment. He hadn't feel this way for a long time that he forget the urge.

The kiss is good. It doesn't feel wrong, you are his to be claimed. But you are crying, asking him to stop. He is genuine but you are too afraid to take his offer.

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