I will be with you

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His people informed him that you are leaving very early and heading to the city. Out of many people, you went to Taehyung's company.
He doesn't wish you to forgive him easily but went to Taehyung? What do you want he can't give that Taehyung has?

"Come home with me, Y/n.." He is desperate. His heart is melting as soon as his eyes landed on you. He missed you so bad. He almost ran to hug you.

Taehyung blocked his gaze on you, "You are trespassing. We are in the middle of meeting."
"She is my wife. I have-"

"She is divorcing you, Jungkook." Taehyung  leave no room for you to hesitate. You are here now. Asking him for a job. He figured you will divorce Jungkook for real.

"Y/n, let's talk. Just us." You ignored him.
Jungkook bit his lip to contain fire that burning inside his chest.

Taehyung continued to talk to you, discussing the works matters ignoring Jungkook's presence. He is beyond angry. Jealousy, wondering if you still had feelings for Taehyung.

"Thank you for this, Taehyung. I'll call you later." You glanced to Jungkook who is glaring furiously at you. It's like he could explode anytime soon.

Even though your heart was aching and your hands wanted to reach him your head telling you not to. If you show any weakness he will use it against you.

"Sure, let me walk you to your car." Taehyung opened the door for you.

"That's it!" Jungkook snapped, he doesn't come to be ignored, "Y/n, for my intentions to you and him, I'm not going to say sorry. If it's not that way, i will not have a chance to love you."

Jungkook talked despite you gave him cold shoulder, "I fall in love with you, i adore you. You know it is genuine, I've never been feel so desperately in love. You are my first-"

"Stop talking nonsense Jeon. You are not capable to love someone other than yourself. Isn't that the reason you took twenty four million contract? Because you think no woman worth your time and affection." Taehyung knew his words will hurt both side. It is a necessary move.

"She is worth every second of my life. I'm as much human as everyone." He wondered why would you be so persistent to divorce him.

Is he so unforgivable? But you can forgive Taehyung. Your heart is solid not to talk to him so you just walked away from him with Taehyung.

Jungkook gritted his teeth. He followed both of you from behind. He said nothing and waited for another elevator.

How stupid he can be. You probably don't love him as much as he thought you are. How could you love him when you were with some Prince Charming like Taehyung who clearly still had his eyes on you.

He remembered how broke you were when you and Taehyung separate. Maybe now with him you realize that Taehyung is the only one you ever wanted.

"He will follow you wherever you go, Y/n."

Taehyung disliked the idea, "I will go with you." He has meetings one after another in fifteen minutes but whats the point being the CEO if he cannot do whatever he wants.

"I have no intention to." Jungkook gave himself some distance from you and Taehyung, "I'll ask you one last time. Do you really want to divorce?"

"I think i made my point when i sent my lawyer to settle things with you." You want nothing from him. Nothing.

"Have you think about it carefully? With clear mind, not with stupid impulsive behavior of yours." He knew how bad your temper could be and he is still going for it.

"Stupid-impulsive-behavior of mine, huh? You come all the way here to insult me, instead to admit your fault, your lies, you dare to say the word to me!" Now you were really angry.

He never thought he was kind of this person.
He was trained to be cool and patient all the time but you. You made the worst coming out from him.

"I will admit my mistake as many as you want but clearly you have plans for yourself. Just two weeks after leaving me you went to Taehyung."

"Don't you dare to make this about me. Whatever I'm doing here it's none of your business."

If isn't because of his child inside you now...
You won't ask for a job from Taehyung.
You are in the verge of tears. Thinking that you had to throughout the pregnancy alone. No one to take care of you. Not your family, not Jungkook. You stuffed your chest with air, "I will appreciate if you sign the divorce paper. I genuinely want nothing from the marriage. I will talk to your mot-"

"You can keep the talk for yourself. I don't need you to talk to my mother." Jungkook said harshly, "Divorce it is as you want." He added as he turned his back and went to his car. Taehyung glanced to you. Clearly you mixed feelings.

"Y/n?" You can't answer him because you afraid you might breaking apart.

"I'll leave now." Your voice was dry.

Taehyung decided it was the best to let you go first this time. He should be patient. He knew you very well. He intended to win your heart back.

Taehyung waved his hand to you. It was not good feeling to work with him but now you had to endure it first.

You waited until Jungkook's car passed by yours. He didn't even turn his head to you. His cold attitude and how harsh his words in your ear sting your heart.

You can't bring yourself to tell him that you were pregnant, can you? Should you keep this secret until .. until when?
Another reason why you went to the city was for checking your pregnancy.

"First child?" The doctor asked you warmly, "Is your husband not coming? They usually very excited for first ultrasound."

"I'm not telling him yet. He must be very excited if he knows..."

"You want it to be surprise. Ah I remember my first pregnancy ~" The doctor kept talking as your mind drift away.


Jungkook received another divorce paper two days after you met him in Taehyung's company. He read those paper over and over again. At this point he remembered each of the words written on it.

Hobi is watching him miserably. He doesn't know which one is the worst. Seems like Jungkook contradicted inside.

"She wants to get away from me so bad."
Finally some words he could reply. Hobi took the chance to take the paper from him.

"Give this some time. Maybe she needs more time to forgive you. Woman is hard. Their brain works differently from us. She might not realize this is just small matters."

Jungkook knew it was not true. His betrayal must be hit you hard judging from your reaction. Her family was using her and he just pour gas to the fire.
"You don't see her eyes..."
"Oh, I could imagine it well when she is angry."
"Do you think she is still love Taehyung?"

"She was with him longer than she's with you."

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