The Child Is Mine

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"You are not doing it, are you,  Jungkook?" Hobi frowned.
"It's only temporarily."
"That's explain shit." Jungkook took the paper from his drawer and read it once again. Hobi is still silently watching him.

"The news will come out tomorrow." "You could tell her beforehand." Hobi convinced him.

"She won't hear me. She hates me. Or else why would this paper is here." His faced was troublesome.

"I met her." Hobi crossed his arm.
"How is she?" He retreated the guard because he is very angry the other day. He is waiting for the report just to recall he won't receive any.

"Bitter as usual. She looks thinner. She was in Taehyung's office when i came."

Jungkook clenched his fist. Kim Taehyung definitely took advantage of their separation
Putting his claws around her.

"My mom will kill me..."


"HOTTEST BACHELOR SEEN WITH HIS FIANCE IN THE AIRPORT." You read the words over and over again. There he is, Jungkook with a girl kissing his cheek. She is young model from US. Apparently they are reportedly engaged.

Since your marriage with him never went public. Not many people figured he is already married. Even people in his office never know you are married to him. Jungkook never wore wedding ring.

"She is so lucky." Your assistant saw what you read as she put the report in front of you, "He never seen with a girl suddenly he just engaged." She added.

You couldn't reply. Since he was engaged why doesn't he send back the paper?
"I have to go back early today if you don't mind. My roommate moves to his boyfriend place." She pouted.
"Alright. I will stay a bit."
"Y/n, don't you live far away from the office?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah." You took no interest in the conversation but she didn't seem to notice.
"Do you want to move in with me? My place is very close. My friend already paid in advance. So you don't have to pay for the three first month."

"Huh?" You were surprised by the invitation.
"You can visit later if you wanted to check the place. Just let me know if you interested." Will it be convenient? Since you work with her, if you also live with her, it will be awkward if you quarrel with her later, "Living alone is hard. We girls have to stick together." She left your office.

You already check several places around city. The price was quite high. If it was close it will be more comfortable for you. You didn't have to spend hours in the car. And since it was already paid you could save the money for later. Chance like this should not be reject.

"Alea." You called her back.
"Yes?" She peeked through the door frame.
"I'll move with you."

"Great! You could bring your stuff and drop it tomorrow. I'll send the address!"
You probably suspicious too much on her.
You arrived later that day. You waited until after peak hour. So the road less crowd and you could drive without stopping too much.

You feel like eat something savory today. Boiling ramyun with some beef slice and egg sounds very delicious.

"Watch your step." You stumbled after imagining the ramyun in your head.
"Thank you." You turned around to find Jungkook. He was walking behind you all along, "Why are you here?" You pushed him away immediately.

"I just come back from US. I brought you a gift." He handed a paper bag.

"No need." You shoved it back to him.

"The paper divorce is also inside." He muttered halfheartedly. You snatched back the paper bag.

"Girl like that is more suitable for you." Beautiful ladylike. Perfect in many aspects you believe.

"I will take my leave first. Please take care in the future. I hope next time you see me we could talk normally." Jungkook chose not to answer the girl you mentioned. He was happy with that hint of jealousy of yours, but he couldn't say anything much now for your good.

"We couldn't be back to normal." You unlocked the door.

"But you can be normal with Taehyung, even work for him? You are being injustice." He scoffed. Reading your face slightly changed to unhappy his heart softening ,"Let me take you eat for the last time." Your heart 8:!blooming with euphoria. Doesn't dare to admit to miss him.

He just came back and went to your place even he know you probably will reject him.
He's still coming.

"Get in. I will cook some ramyun if you want." You went inside the flat and let the door open.
"You have to eat properly, Y/n..." You were too tired after work. You had no maid, and you can't cook very well. You made and eat simple dish everyday.

"It's no longer your business." You sneered to him, "Have a seat where is comfortable 
for you." Jungkook hate to imagine you live in place like this. This place didn't seem comfortable at all! It was too dark and the light was dim.

"You could stay in the apartment. You don't have to live here, Y/n. I will go back to my own place. I bought that apartment for you." He said as he looked around.

Kitchen bedroom and living room all in one place. His eyes landed to the file on
the table. It was from hospital. Did you sick recently? He was away for weeks. You seemed well now.

"If you just come here to mock me, you could leave." You replied dryly. Jungkook tempted to open the file
"Were you sick lately?" You totally forgot about the file on the table, you hurriedly rushed to his side and took the map from his hand but his other hand was holding the ultrasound picture,

"Will you ever tell me?" He sounds hurt and betrayed, "You are still willing to divorce even after knowing this?"
"No point of talking about it anymore."

"You are very selfish person! Stop acting like everyone is hurting you. I try to love you but you push me away. Your family were using you, Taehyung left you, i took millions dollar project in return for marrying you, so what?! You are going to punish me because of their fault too? We are in love already. You don't want to forgive. You are willing to let your child fatherless because your ego!"

"LEAVE! LEAVE NOW!" You pointed to the door. You tried not to cry but you failed.
Who would want her child fatherless? If you can find forgiveness for him why wouldn't you? But you were scared.

"That child is mine." Jungkook said coldly, "He will inherit my name, my mom will raise him."
"No! You couldn't take away my child. Go away! GO AWAY!" You screamed to him. You hit his chest repeatedly. Jungkook took the chance to embrace you tightly.

"Then stop being stubborn and come back home. Think about it Y/n." He kissed your
forehead. He felt bad for making you cry
mess, "Let's go back now.. Take your important stuff and come with me, okay?"

"Go away..." You pushed his chest, "Do not comeback! Do not ever see me again." You kept pushing him until he met front door.

Jungkook didn't spare another glance and took
his leave. You cried and cried. After you gained back your senses you packed stuff and called Taehyung.

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