A Night To Remember

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"You did not!" You covered your mouth to hold the laughter that about to burst.
"Yes i did. I had no idea she likes Namjoon
I thought she likes Hobi." He loves how your face glow with joyful. Seems like you had wonderful night so far.

"That's very stupid. I can't imagine her face when you told her Hobi likes her back.  Did they aware of what you do?"
"No. She stopped coming after that. See, that's why i  kept my mouth shut. They are uncontrollably destructive."

"Poor girl.." You finished your wine.

"Should we move our date somewhere..
more private?" He signed the waiter for the bill. He doesn't drink much because he has to drive. But you are free to empty the bottle. You felt a bit warm from it.

"Where are we heading now?" Jungkook put his coat around your shoulder, "You are very sweet. You know that?" He opened the car door for you as well.

"I'm glad you enjoy your husband company." He kept it secret where he takes you next. Being around him is a pure bliss.

Maybe it isn't so bad, to be with him. Renewing the contract, it's only a paper.

"This is a dance class, Jungkook." He parked in front off some building.

"Yes, come on in."

"I can't I'm stiff as rock." Jungkook dragged you along with him. He giggled all the way to the classroom. There are several people inside.

"I've been practicing for months. I'll help you." You rolled your eyes. The music played in the background. So this was where he disappears every Wednesday night.

"I can't, Jungkook. They will laugh at me."
Everyone was look pretty good and confident. All you felt are embarrassment.

"No, come here." He put his hand on the back of your body, pulling you close. Your eyes were lost in his hypnotizing gaze, "Just follow my lead. No rush." He is a great teacher. You were actually having a really good time. It's probably the alcohol in your blood wishing to kiss that bunny as he talk and move swiftly.

Some other guy, his class friend teased him. They said that he was terrible at first. He seems to enjoy his dance class too. He's more talkative with them than you ever see.

That guy probably gay. He kept staring at Jungkook as they talked. This stupid dude doesn't realize it. You snuggled your face to his chest. This is nice..

"You are drunk." He chuckled.
"I guess.. a little tiny bit.." Because you are no longer dancing but clutching to him as he moved right and left.

"Let's go home.." He whispered seductively.

"Hmmm.." You bit your lower lip, didn't want to moan because you hate to show him that he had been pleasuring you right.

Jungkook nipped the skin on your neck, his other hand is gently massaging your inside thigh.
"Ju.. Jungkook.." You are helplessly laying down under him. Somehow. Can't recall how did you end up opening your legs to him in the first place. Probably because he has been very very good at your tonight.

"I can not hear you, baby." He made you face him. He loves the sight of you so weak yet greedy for him, "Kiss me.." Your arm reached for him, pulling him close to press your lips into his cheeks, his nose, and that arrogant smirk of his. Your body are hot like he casted a spell over you. Every inch of it is aroused and hungry with his touch.

"Don't be angry tomorrow.." He thrusted in, you closed your eyes, bearing the pain as it replaced with the pleasure.

Cursing his name over and over again, "It's your fault to be irresistible."

This is not your bedroom.
That's the first thing you noticed after you opened your eyes, but you didn't think the place is a hotel either. Your clothes are on the floors along with Jungkook's. The scenery painted red color on your cheeks.
No need to deny last night was amazing..
You looked aside to Jungkook who was still sleeping peacefully.

You took his white shirt from the floor and wore them. Did you two break in someone else house? No.. you remembered he was opening it with a password while you are leaning on the wall.
Too drunk.

You scanned around the room. The place is very tidy. The entire room is huge and every corner of it is well design. This is clearly not a hotel.

You stepped out from the room to find garden view right in front of your eyes. It blocked by glass wall. You follow the path and found a stairs. Your heart is hesitating. But you are too curious. By the end of the stairs, there is beautiful mid aged lady.
She is staring at you, and you are staring back at her. She wore a white dress, holding aluminum watering can. Seems like she is about the heading to the garden beside of the stairs.. She can't be a ghost right? You freezed where you stand.

"Oh, are you Jungkook's wife?" She asked.
Not confuse at all, in fact you found she looks amuse to see you.

Suddenly you are aware that you wore nothing underneath the shirt and you don't tidy your hair or check your face when you head out,

You should be answering the question, that is totally the normal response but you stepped back and ran to the room you came out from.

"Jungkook!!!! Wake up!!!"

"Hmm.. what is it?" He rubbed his eyes, "You look good in my shirt..." He smile.

"Where are we?!" You were almost screaming, "There is a lady downstairs!"

He looked around the room, Jungkook scratched his unitchy head, "That must be my mom. We are in my house."

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