Good Timing

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"See, now you stop crying.." Jungkook buried your head in his chest.

"Thank you," You whispered.
"You are welcome..." Jungkook pulled the blanket higher. Covering your body, he wish his warmth is enough but you are still shivering. He amused by the fact you felt so small inside his embrace.

Both of you are enjoying the silence. He draw something repeatedly on your waist.

"I.. i think one of us should go bath first.." You did not dare to see his face.

"You can go first if you want. Or should we go together?" He teased.

"I'll go first!" You snapped.
"Sure." You waited for him to release you but he didn't so you looked up to him who was looking down at you as well. He didn't smile or anything he just looking at you.. like that. Like he was considering to kiss you again or not.

"Um.. can you let me go?"
He didn't seem happy but he moves away. Hugging the blanket in pout now.

You groaned in pain as soon as you try to get up. Your crotch area was sore. Too embarrassed to ask him for help, you dead silence and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Can you walk?" You turned to him, rolling your eyes.
"I can't!" He chuckled and walked around the bed to pick you up on his muscular arm, "Don't look at my body!"

"Does it even matter now?" He frowned, "I've seen everything."
"Shhh!" You hushed him.

"You seems had fun too." He added innocently, "Were you not have a good time last night? You begged for more tho." He said it all with innocent childish face which now you wanted to punch so bad.

"Okay, that's enough." You covered his mouth with your hand. Jungkook placed you under the shower after he made sure the water was warm enough. Not too cold or hot. You were waiting for him to leave.

"Why are you still here?" Now you frowned.
"I'll help you soap." He smiles fondly


Am i missing something? His room was empty. I can't get use to this.
Hobi walked back to his secretary table.

"Where is your boss?" Two times took a day off from work. That man is on fire.
"He will come after lunch."

"He is late. Hmm.." He smile, he had an idea. Late, huh, "How about Y/n?" He asked again. Her table is also clean.

"She took a day off today."
"Really?? That's interesting." Another cheeky grin appeared on his face

"I suggest you to come with the project report next time. Mr Jeon started questioning for your work." Seokjin knew this man was his boss best friend but they are very opposite of each other.

"I know." He rolled his eyes, annoyed.
As much as he worry about his boss now, he can't ignore that the man was glowing.

Even when Jungkook tried to keep professional, Seokjin caught him stared at his assistant for too long.


"It's good thing, uncle. I'm happy for you." Jungkook was in his phone when you came out from the bedroom. He said you should have breakfast in bed but you refused. Can't bear another embarrassing moment.

"Yes, my wife is working with me now. Don't worry. Yes, yes, no.. we aren't planning to have a child yet." You watched him in silence, "Taehyung should marry too. Yes, too bad I don't have sister. I will gladly introduce them." He listened to the phone again.

It's Taehyung's dad.. "Of course i will come, uncle. Thank you for inviting me. I'm hanging up first. Please take care of your health too." Jungkook put his phone down,

"I made you breakfast. Eat and rest, I will leave to office." He looked at his watch.

"Is that Taehyung's dad?"

"Yes, he invited me to his birthday next month."

He moved your plate, "Eat."

"Taehyung should marry too. Yes, too bad I don't have sister. I will gladly introduce them." You replied his line in your head.

You don't know how you feel about Taehyung anymore. It's like someone stabbing you every time they mention his name.
Cold woman like you.. You were drowned in your thoughts.

Jungkook took a deep breath. You did it again, spacing out in the middle of conversation. He guided you to the chair.

"Eat first. I'm going now."

"I will go to office too." You are already dressed in your formal clothes. Thinking you shouldn't take advantage even if you doesn't feel like to do anything now.

"No, You should stay at home."

"I said i will go." You said persistently.

"Why did i bother to argue?" He chuckled, "Finish your meal."

"Okay." You grabbed the spoon and eat much, you were starving. He made simple dish yet you could feel his effort in it.

Jungkook are satisfied to see you eat everything on the plate. How could he never attract to a woman when they were very addictive like this.


"Look who decide to show up." Hobi leaned on the frame door. Knocking lightly.

"Where is your report?" Jungkook asked without looking up.

"I'm coming with another report." His father sent him to learn yet he always play. He doesn't like serious thing. And staying in the office would never be his thing.

"You are doing well at everything beside your main job." Hobi chuckled.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"It's not a compliment." Jungkook signed him to have a seat.

"Her dad lost the company in gambling." "He's currently out of town. The son is also with him."
Jungkook hate that kind of irresponsible man. Selling his daughter for business and when things got worse, save himself like a coward he is. Couldn't expect more.

"Counting if he sell their current house and some properties to pay the debt, they would have pretty much nothing. If you want to cut tie with Y/n. Now is a good timing."

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