Uneasy Heart

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"Good morning, how is the party?" Yuuna was already in the kitchen making breakfast when you woke up.

"You made breakfast. I'm hungry." Can't tell her both of you are ruining the party.
"Oh, yes, help yourself. Is Jungkook still sleeping?" She asked.

"Yes, I'll bring him some after i'm done."
Clearly the bruises won't gone for at least a week. One of you have to tell her sooner or later.

Yuuna is humming some song as she continued to clean up. Yuuna changes, she isn't the same princess your parents raised her. She is more independent than you thought.

"Y/n, I have to catch up some of my work. Can i use you work room?"

Seems like she carried some material from work to learn, "Sure." It's weekend anyway.

"Thanks." Look like she is done cooking. She cooks very well and the breakfast is always great after she's here. There's time when you don't even bother to have one.

Yuuna entered your work room. Actually you and Jungkook shared this room. Both of you barely use it but the maid cleaned it everytime she comes, nothing in the house covered with dust.
Jeon Jungkook is a bit of clean freak.

Yuuna sat on the work chair but her feet kick the card box under the table. The maid must be missed that.

"Y/n could be very messy.." She chuckled.

It was box from your previous office.
Yuuna took a look at it out of the curiosity.
You are literally throwing things into the box when you pack your stuff. Didn't care much since, you are supposed to be throwing it. One of the files caught her eyes.

"Marriage contract?" She frowned as she read the tittle, "What is this?"

Her phone was ringing, Mrs. Park is calling her phone, she doesn't pick up the first call.

"Why are you taking so long to pick up, sweetie?" Her mom talked sweetly.

"Mom, no.. i just , uh mom.." she was confused, "Do you know Y/n and Jungkook .." She is about to tell her mother but she worried it might do something that it shouldn't..

She'd ask you about this later, "Yes, yes, they are good. No.. I don't think their planning to have a child yet.." One of the clause in the contract said the two of you won't have any child during the contract...


Jungkook was still sleeping when you entered the bedroom. You rarely had a chance to see him in this sleeping figure. Jungkook always woke up early. Bath and dressed up in his fancy suit. He was oddly strict and straight person who can be very gentle at the times. Like he was slowly capturing you in his charm.

Jungkook looked like total nerd in college, rather quiet and sort of blunt if you talk with him. You had to cut the conversation short, or else his mind would moved somewhere and he would ignore you. No one ever paid attention to him. Or wanting to know him better.

He always stuck with Taehyung and his friends tho. Being part of them. Not the fun part. Nor you ever recalled him join them in any mess.

Jungkook is goddamn fine now. Those beautiful eyes were hiding behind his eyes glasses through college. His well built stomach, all the way down...

What do i think in the morning!

You decided not to bother him. You need to walk out for fresh air anyway. You took a quick stroll around the apartment area. There is a running track and some people ran on it.

You and Jungkook never clears the relationship between the two of you. He made it clear he's willing to help you with whatever it is but it doesn't mean he wanna be your lover, a real husband and wife..

"Is it hurt? It looks bad..." Yuuna is in the kitchen counter with Jungkook.

"It's not that bad." She put a gel cream on Jungkook's face carefully. It looked better than last night. It's  not as swollen as you'd thought.

"What happened?" She asked, why does he stay still? Does he enjoy another woman taking care of him? Somethings you don't understand grow on your chest.

It's not like you to feel jealous.
"Something fun." His answer made her giggle.

"You are so funny." Jungkook's lip curled up, "You have very pretty hands!" Yuuna took his hand on her palm, "Long fingers too.." You can't heard what she said but Jungkook smile at her. She is actually good match for him. He could fall in love with her. The two of them don't realize you were watching. You wondered what happened if you are there..

"Do you want more?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you. You are really good cook. I can eat this everyday."

"I'll cook everyday! You are very kind.. Y/n is very lucky..." You entered the room quietly. Just giving them small smile as you went straight to the bedroom. Didn't want things to be awkward.
Jungkook and Yuuna looked into each other confused.

"Y/n?" Jungkook came after you.

It made you insecure. Looking at both of them being close. It made you nervous in some type of way. It chased the butterflies away from your stomach.

"I'm just come back for my wallet. I'll go out for shopping." Spending some monthly expenses money he sent you.

"Are you going with Yuuna?"

"No! I ..."

"Hey.. what's wrong? Are you still upset?"
He caressed your cheek with his warm palm that you remembered those hands were holding with your sister's. You pushed him away, "I don't understand you"

"You don't need to understand me. Text me if you want anything." You left him dumbfounded.


What's with this tension? Were they ignoring each other? I think it just Y/n. Jungkook looked totally normal. He is calm and quiet as usual.
Hobi scratched his nape. Is this a one sided love quarrel?

"You did a good job." His ears twitched with joy, Jungkook barely praised him. For real.

"What happened with you and Y/n? Don't you usually lovey dovey to her?"

"Nothing happened."
"You don't realize it, do you?" Hoseok sighed. He can't even tell if his wife upset, "She is literally glaring at you, Jungkook!"

"It just the way she always looks at me."

"I must say it isn't love. She is about to eat you. Watch it closely." Hobi signed him to look at you.

"You are being ridiculous." Jungkook ignored him.

"Y/n is completely different from her sister, don't you think? Her sister is very angelic." It's quite obvious. Hobi is the only one know Yuuna is your sister, aside of Seokjin.

That man is nothing but sweet to you.
You can talked about anything to him.

"She is nice." Jungkook replied indifferently.

"She is divorce, right? Do you think i should make a move on her?" Work for two month, she almost charm everyone. Everybody likes her personality.

"I highly recommend you not to."

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